Monday, December 31, 2007
Where Did My Spectacles Go?
NUTS! See, the problem is that I can't work on a computer without my glasses for very long before the headache hits. The second problem is that I had a dr.'s appointment before going to work so even had I been so inclined, it wasn't possible for me to run out to Laurel and look for them.
I left with Steve assuring me he would go out and get them for me. He called me from the church asking where I thought they might be and he looked everywhere as I re-traced my steps on the phone (fortunately it's a small church and I didn't wander too far yesterday). No luck. They weren't there.
About an hour later he called me from home with the good news that he had found my glasses! Where you ask? In the silverware drawer! WHAT?!?! I seriously have no idea how they ended up there and unless I'm suffering from severe Alzheimer's, I have no idea why I might put them in there. But how else did they end up there? A joke on me by Steve? Good thought, one I had actually considered, but no. He wouldn't have wasted the time or gas to go to Calvary if that were the case.
Or is it a very elaborate joke? HHHHMMMMM....anyway, enjoy a laugh today on me!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Well, It's All Over...Or Is It?
In the first 7 years we were married we only had a tree up once because we came home for Christmas 6 of those years and didn't see the need to buy a tree and all the trimmings. Then we were here for 3 years before we got a tree because year #1 we were in an apartment with nowhere to store stuff and year #2 we'd just moved into a house in November and were not ready or up for it. So, year #3 we went all out and then had our Christmas on the 24th before Steve started his night shift. He came home at 7 am and headed to bed. I spent the 25th taking everything down and the look on his face when he got up was truly priceless. He went to sleep in a house 'o Christmas and woke up to a house 'o nothing. It was hilarious! He was astounded to say the least. And since then it's just made sense to do it on the 25th while he was sleeping and/or working.
Monday, December 24, 2007
2007 Lortz Christmas Poem
The humans are bustling the dogs are alone.
This year carried changes, some big and some small
We’re pleased to report we lived through them all!
In March came a puppy, so naughty but sweet
Jake isn’t amused that Sam shares his treats.
Proving who’s boss is always a chore
The little dude won, Sam bows to Jake’s roar.
New sights came in June, vacation’s a blast
Wow, the week’s gone, it went by too fast!
We loaded the car – luggage, nephew, and mom
Headed to Silverwood singing a song.
We rode and we shopped, we swam and we slid
To my sister returned her exuberant kid.
The biggest change came in summer ‘tis true
Steve left his job as a brother in blue.
A huge step of faith indeed we did take
Steve’s now a pastor for goodness sake!
A mission church campus, small groups galore
It’s a safe bet our life is no bore!
How does one live when changes abound
When everything pulls your feet off the ground?
The secret is held not in us but in Christ
We’re people in progress so no need for fright!
From our home to yours “Merry Christmas” we shout
May you be filled with peace and not doubt.
This life’s but a vapor and then it will end
May you savor each moment with family and friends.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Less Is More
So, Steve and I cut back, and cut back some more. After all, what is Christmas about? We decided 1 or 2 gifts at Christmas with lots of fun and face-time the rest of the year was far better. And it's been wonderful. The stresses of the season are virtually non-existent in our house. No financial strain, no agony over what to get for everyone, no long lines and hectic crowds.
Last year I tried something even more out there. We were all missing dad so badly and I wanted to do something truly special for the kids. Christmas was one of my dad's favorite times -- he loved giving gifts and watching little eyes light up, hearing squeals, and the pitter patter of little feet Christmas morning. It was never about what he got in return (or didn't), and it wasn't even about what he and mom gave but more about time together and remembering God's gift to us.
So, for Erica I scrapbooked her 16th birthday party where grandpa had given her the car and we did The Amazing Race Billings Edition for her and her friends. It was 2 short months later grandpa was gone. She loved it. One page in particular was touching - I took a picture of her, grandpa, grandma, and Peter holding the sign they had made for the car and I put it in the middle of a big heart with a scripture beneath.
And for Peter I wrote a children's book about his adventures with his grandpa and had a friend who is an amazing artist illustrate it for me. He adored it; and it turned out to be a gift for the entire family as each got a copy.
It's hard to be that inventive again but I've tried to match it. I'm so excited about what I've done for my family but for fear they may read this before Christmas, I can't reveal it yet, but I just finished it this week and I love it! I've also got to get Peter's finished (okay, started AND finished). Not much time but I've got it done in my head so I know where I'm going anyway!
And so I encourage simplicity at Christmas. Family and friends are more important that presents and food, and Christ is more important that family and friends. It's all perspective and it's all a choice. It may be too late for you this year but there is always next year!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Lightening The Mood
Wednesday night (the night of the procedure) I had fallen asleep but was awakened by the inability to roll over or even lift my face from the pillow. You'll first have to understand that with such a swollen lip and face, my mouth gaped open as I slept, drool flowed freely, and there was weeping of the lip. So, as I lay there unable to move, I quickly assessed I was stuck to my pillow. My weeping lip acted as an adhesive and there I was, stuck.
I managed to get out a very small "Steven" but no reply. "Steven, I need help." He awakened and asked what was wrong. I could barely eek out "I'm stuck to my pillow!" He got up, assessed the situation for himself, went to the bathroom and returned with a wet cloth. He un-stuck me, I tossed the pillow on the floor and and used a different one. I decided that because the pillowcase was flannel, the fabric almost seemed to encourage a stick-to-my-face quality and I didn't want to have another occurrence. I then retrated back to dreamland.
The next morning Steve told me how hilarious it was -- kind of like being stuck to a flag pole. I was not exactly amused because at that moment I was staring in the mirror at my grossly enlarged freak-face.
But now? It is HILARIOUS. I mean, really, how many people do you know that have been stuck to their pillow?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
One Great Gift
BUT, I'm feeling much more carnal these days so before I get to the gift that's been on my mind, here's a list of the top several; honestly I've received so many special gifts it's hard to remember them all, let alone list each one:
- The Christmas I got the entire series of "Little House On The Prairie" books -- I had asked for them several years in a row.
- The birthday I got my first pair of Nike tennis shoes (7th grade).
- The Mother's Day gifts from Peter and Erica for being "another mom".
- The convertible I got for my 25th birthday.
- The new wedding set for my birthday.
- The birthday present my mom told me was fragile so I handled it delicately only to open it and discover a gift card (much laughter ensued at my oh-so-careful maneuvering).
- The year my dad purchased a birthday present for me just from him -- my parents never did separate gifts but the 6 months prior to my 16th birthday I had been extremely sick and there was no certainty of a 17th birthday. He got me flowers in an ice cream sundae glass with carnations as ice cream, red rose as a cherry, and 2 straws sticking out.
He served me sodas, milkshakes, and when I wanted to eat something, he handled that too. He kept the dogs off me, fielded all phone calls, and told me repeatedly "it's not that bad" even though that was not true. He did all the dishes and even ventured a couple loads of laundry.
He loved me selflessly, sacrificially, and even supernaturally. It makes me tear up even thinking about it. For some odd reason I feel the need to buy him a gift for taking care of me. In one of my "hopped up on goofball" moments I told him that and he just said "that's what I do -- take care of you. It's my job." It was not easy for him to do all that, yet he did.
I recognize many husbands wouldn't do that; they wouldn't get outside of themselves for the entire week to tend to their wife's needs, even in sickness. I am extremely fortunate that God gave me such man.
My blondie, I love you more than you know.
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Really Bad Week
Today is the first day I am attempting sans pain medication. And it hurts. The 2 things I enjoy immensely; talking and laughing; are nearly impossible for me today and so I revert to writing, watching movies, and yes, even listening! And while I have a well of tears behind my eyes, I can't let them go because that hurts too. So why not just take a pain pill? Well, to put it simply, when I take them I over-do it because I don't realize my limitations. Secondly, they make me feel disconnected, as if I don't have full use of my faculties and I don't like that. Third, I don't like being "all hopped up on goofballs" (classic line from one of our favorite shows). I do believe with all the antibiotics I'm taking that a bacteria within 7,000 miles of me would have no chance of getting through.
Yet even in all this I have been powerfully ministered to. We've had meals brought to us, even though we tried to discourage it. But that's what the family of God does -- care for each other and that even applies to us. It's easy to help others but not so easy to accept that same care yourself. Pride? Ah, yes, that ugly little thing that keeps us from admitting our need for and accepting help. But for the persistence of my friend, Tonya, we would have missed God's blessing on us this week. And we are so utterly grateful.
And my mom came and sat with me so Steve could go to work, I had people who dropped off smoothies and milkshakes, a book, and of course even flowers to brighten my day. The day of the surgery Erica picked Peter up at school and together they brought over 2 carnations, purple as you might have guessed, and visited with us for a while. It's a dear, sweet memory I will cherish for a long time.
So in spite of this really bad week, God has been evident. And in the midst of this really long post, maybe you've been encouraged too.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Yet Another Milestone
But, oh, I was so nervous myself! I made some serious mistakes while running the computer media at the early service today and after the 3rd or 4th one RW asked me "are you nervous for your husband or something?" I replied an adamant "YES!" to which he said "I've never seen you make so many mistakes before so it's nice to know you're human." At least he was understanding and had a sense of humor about it because I was feeling like a total schmuck at that point. Things I had done dozens and dozens of times were completely foreign to me. It was as if I had never seen that particular computer program or even a computer for that matter! I was finally able to settle down and made it through with no further faux pas.
A friend and former co-worker of Steve's came to the 11:00 service and his wife said "you know, I've known Steve a long time and I don't think I've ever heard him say more than 5 words at a time. This was unbelievable!" Indeed it was.
But just to be sure you know it's not pride on our part, there is no doubt who really did the good work and it wasn't Steve. He was merely the obedient vessel that God used and He spoke powerfully through my blondie.
The support we received from our friends was amazing and no doubt knowing how much they love us (and in this case specifically Steve) proved to be just the thing to push us through.
Oh how we are grateful for our refrigerator-rights friends! For those who have no idea what that means, you'll have to listen to the sermon for yourself (it's the one from 12/9/07).
Friday, December 7, 2007
Pearl Harbor Day
A few years ago Steve and I had the privilege of touring the harbor and I was incredibly moved by the occasion. It was somber, reflective, and I was deeply saddened. I would love to post a few pictures but I've already pasted them into a scrapbook and they were taken in our pre-digital-camera days. I'm sure there are far better pictures on the web anyway.
From December 7, 1941 it would be almost 60 full years before the next grand scale attack on our homeland. We had forgotten the horror, we had neglected God, we had become over-confident and come to rely solely on ourselves.
Let's not forget, my friends, the cost of freedom and remember that our safety comes not from a great nation (although we are one) and not from ourselves, but from God alone. Pause today to reflect on the great price paid by thousands who have gone before and thousands who walk among us today.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Halls Are Decked
A few years ago our neighbor thought it would be fun if the entire 2 blocks of Daystar had stars up for Christmas. It's kind of fun although some people are scrooges....not us!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Planting and Harvesting
"It is a greater act of faith to plant a bulb than to plant a tree." ~ Clare LeightonI immediately thought about how we all want to harvest but few want to plant seeds. I think much of this is pride -- we all want the joy of leading someone through the prayer of salvation and we celebrate that. But we rarely, if ever, rejoice in seed-planting. And yet I think it takes more faith to plant a seed than reap the harvest because you frequently never see the results of those seeds. And yet nothing is farther from scripture. The Apostle Paul put it this way in I Corinthians 3:5-8 (NIV):
"What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe--as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor." (emphasis mine)The frightening thing is that we're always planting seeds (whether or not we want to), particularly with those to whom we've professed our faith. The questions aren't "where can I plant a seed" and "when can I plant a seed" but rather what seeds am I planting at any given time"? Plant, my friends, plant. Let God take care of the harvest and give him glory for whatever part you get to play.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Oh-So-Late Thanksgiving Pics
Monday, December 3, 2007
Pre-Christmas Thoughts
In the last few weeks of this particular Bible study we focused on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. I'm not even sure I can relate the feelings I had about the verses below but they affected me in a way I had never known before and I was unbelievably humbled and deeply sorrowful at the thought. I guess growing up in the church and celebrating the resurrection (indeed it is worthy of celebration), I had not stopped to really ponder the death process. The horrific, unbelievably painful procession to the cross. I'm not referring at all to the spiritual warfare going on, strictly the physical. I wince even reading the words of Mark 15:19-20:
"Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him." (emphasis mine)Isaiah prophesied about how this beating would affect his appearance in Isaiah 52:14:
"Just as there were many who were appalled at him -- his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness." (emphasis mine)I wonder if any of these "beaters" later realized that Jesus was the son of God? And if so, how did they deal with the guilt that likely came as they realized what they had done to their Savior? Were they consumed with a never ending ache in their gut or did they fully receive the forgiveness offered to them too? I've wondered what side I would have stood on had I lived in that time -- for my Jesus or against him, shouting "crucify him! crucify him!"? I don't dare wander into arrogance condemning those who did because I am no better than they were. While I didn't physically beat my Savior, I guarantee I have caused him pain and he has been saddened by my actions more than once. But in it all I don't have to feel guilt every day and I'm learning to receive the full forgiveness of all my sins.
During all the celebration this season over the birth of a precious little baby, let's not forget that Jesus was born to die -- so that all who choose to accept him have eternal life. And let's not gloss over the severe punishment he suffered so we don't have to.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Lofty Goals
Julie: "Which would you rather have -- a goal you can attain or a goal you know you'll more than likely never reach?"This has been interesting for me to ponder. Do I want to have a life full of victories that are never challenging or never stretch me? Or do I want a life with many failures because I tried for what seemed impossible? And oh the feeling of victory at the perceived impossible! Theodore Roosevelt said it this way:
Steve: "I'd rather fail at a huge goal than attain something that wasn't even a challenge."
"The credit belongs to those people who are actually in the arena...who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions to a worthy cause; who at best, know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Mayhem...Night #2...And Serving Others
Last night, however, the little people outnumbered the big people in our house. A couple weeks ago I mentioned our new Tuesday night friend. Well, last night we had some more little friends which together totaled 3 so we were clearly outnumbered! And it was crazy. See, when you're used to 2 adults the house is generally quiet and without a lot of drama (remember, I said generally) so even just adding 1 little person into the mix upsets the cart.
Don't get me wrong -- these are not naughty children; rather they are just, well, children in an environment where adults are company far more often...and dogs. It's just a matter of what you're used to. The reverse is also true -- one night my friend Tonya, the mother of 5, came over to get some books and she was so overwhelmed at the quiet of our house that she had to leave before she fell asleep. Obviously her house is rarely quiet. Neither are bad, just a matter of what you live with every day.
But in the midst of all this mayhem was the bigger realization that we were truly serving these parents. One set gets to attend small group because we watch their little one and the other set got to go on a real, bonafide, no-kids-allowed-for-parents-only date. And often that is missing from so many marriages. The parents sacrifice their own relationship and not only is that bad for them but it's bad for their kids too. The sad thing in all this is that anybody can serve someone like this but many rarely do. We're filling our pews with people who don't look outside of themselves to serve others and they are raising children who have no idea what it means to serve others. And so those of us who do know have the responsibility of showing them how to do it by example.
And when we serve others, all of a sudden our inward focus is outward and our lives aren't as bad as we think because we aren't focusing solely on "me". Someone wrote a book where the first sentence was "It's not about you."; well, I'd go further and say "It's not about you at all, ever." And by the way, this reminder is more for me than anyone else.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Mayhem...And The Joy of Unexpected Visits
So, Steve went to open the door and as soon as Jake saw what was on the other side, he went NUTS - he always does when he sees other dogs. They all poured in and once the leashes were off, mayhem ensued! For those who don't know, Jim & Brandi have a beagle, Kaycee (posted several months ago with Sam & Jake) and a 6 month old black lab, Hunter. Add that to Sam the Golden Retriever and Jake the Pekingese and, well, I'm sure you understand. It was hilarious!
They all went outside but of course Jake came back into the house in no time - not only does his little body despise this weather, he just couldn't keep up. He sure tried, though! So, we let them back in the house and pure pandemonium -- again! Streaks of dogs everywhere! When Hunter started in on Sam, Jake was not pleased....believe it or not, he kind of came to the rescue of the big oaf. But, oh, they had so much fun -- at least I think they did. I'm no "dog whisperer" but I do have eyes and a brain.
But for the fact that Hunter took an unnatural liking to Sam, all went well. In spite of all the laughing we did at the 4 stooges, the better part was the unexpected visit. It was so reminiscent of my childhood where Saturdays at our house were a constant stream of people just stopping by for coffee and 20-30 minutes of conversation. Nobody does that anymore and it feels like a missing piece.
Monday, November 26, 2007
A New Tradition
First we took turns thinking of 10 things each we were thankful for with the only rule being one couldn't say, "yeah, that one for me too." My logic behind that rule was that I could see Steve doing that very thing...yep, that's a good one, count that for me too. Amazingly enough, only 1 thing was repeated. As I stated in my previous post, we do indeed have a lot to be thankful for and I need to remember that more than ever right now.
Secondly Steve chose a scripture (I Chronicles 16) of thanks, in this case David's prayer of thanks after bringing the ark to Jerusalem. It's the bulk of the chapter but really worth the read for all types of occasions, not just thankfulness.
Finally we spent some time in worship through song, actually 4 of them. It was amazing. I don't even know how long it took but all I know is that when it was done, I realized I had very little time to boil my potatoes. But in light of what had just taken place, did I even need to care anyway? Probably not but as you might imagine, I did.
I'll end today with one of the verses from I Chronicles 16 (it's verse 25):
"For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods."
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Full of Thankfulness
"Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.Yes, we have much to be thankful for and today I will choose to verbalize just two; salvation through Jesus Christ, and the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. I close today with words from an oldie but goodie.....the hymn titled We Gather Together (if you know the tune, sing it out!).
He chastens and hastens His will to make known.
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing.
Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own.
Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine;
So from the beginning the fight we were winning;
Thou, Lord, were at our side, all glory be Thine!
We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant,
And pray that Thou still our Defender will be.
Let Thy congregation escape tribulation;
Thy Name be ever praised! O Lord, make us free!
Amen...and Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2007
What We Are Today
"These roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are; they exist with God today." ~ Ralph Waldo EmersonIf only we would grasp the deep moments and relationships of today our lives would be so enriched! Remember and cherish yesterday, dream about and plan for tomorrow, but truly live today. I dare say there isn't much we'd miss in a life like that.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Past Few Days
Sunday we spent the morning at church and I was struck at how unbelievably different it is. Dave and Lonnie didn't just get called to a new place, it is very, very, very different. Did I mention how different it is? The culture, style, people, and traditions are all so very different. Same denomination yet so vastly different. So the fact that they not only survived but are thriving gives me an all new wonderment for my friends.
After lunch out and a brief nap (brief for me, long for Lonnie) we went to St. Simons island, sat in beach chairs, walked the pier, window shopped (everything was closed) and before picking up Dave we had one of my favorite times there. We spotted an Adirondack style swing and we sat side-by-side talking, laughing, crying, swinging, and laughing some more. I knew I deeply missed my friend but at that moment I realized it's not only because she's amazing but also because I've not found another friend to share my life every day like she did when they lived in Billings. Girls need friends like that, you know? Someone to sit and swing with, who will laugh at the funny, cry at the sad, and sometimes just sit when words are not appropriate. She didn't try to fix me, she didn't scold me, and she didn't make me feel like a freak. She wasn't too busy for me, didn't act like she had a thousand other places to be and we just basked in the friendship God has allowed us to have. We ended the day with a chick flick and "Lonnie" popcorn (man, she makes GREAT popcorn)!
After sleeping in on Monday we loaded up the bikes and headed to Jekyll Island -- no small feat to load 2 bicycles into a Taurus! There is a bike path around the entire island but we did just 1/3 of it to Driftwood Beach. We had lunch, hilarious adventures (seriously, I almost wet myself), and then headed to a part of the island where a resort had been built at the turn of the century along with winter homes by the insanely wealthy. While the resort is still running, the houses are part of the historical society. We walked around looking in the windows and visiting the small shops and ended that time much like the day before only this time by the croquet greens in individual Adirondack chairs. We headed out, stopping at Long John Silver's on the way home. After some personal Bible study time we met in the t.v. room for another chick flick and more "Lonnie" popcorn. For two whole days I didn't have to be anybody
other than myself -- nobody was critical or judgmental of me, nobody told me how I need to act or need to change. And I was completely relaxed. If only Steve could have enjoyed this time with me and catch a glimpse of his fun-loving wife once again.
On Tuesday as she dropped me at the airport, Lonnie grabbed my hand and prayed for me by the car as tears streamed down my face. Don't get me wrong -- I was so happy to be coming home but I don't get time like this very often and certainly rarely with Lon. And I miss it.
So, that was my trip -- there are other places nearby I'd like to visit so Steve and I will have to make it back at some point. My airplane adventures in another post....
Friday, November 9, 2007
Georgia On My Mind
So, I'm headed to Jacksonville where she will pick me up tomorrow, escort me to her home in Georgia, and then I get to spend a couple of days learning from and gleaning wisdom from Lonnie. We've already decided the beach is a must-do. I love sitting in the sand with my eyes closed, listening to the waves pound in as everything around me begins to silence. In those moments all I can hear is the power of the ocean and it's mesmerizing. I easily get lost in the majesty and inevitably my mind remembers the greatness of God and his almighty power. I can't wait!
We'll also be going to Savannah and I so hope it measures up to the way my imagination has plotted.....romance, plantations, old-day Southern charm. Regardless of any met / unmet expectations, I'm sure it will be fascinating!
But more than anything I'm excited to spend quality time, re-energize a friendship maintained across the miles, and rejuvenate my floundering being. I pray this will be a turning point in my time of sifting.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Insight Into My Imagination
Anyway, we’ve developed a regular habit of walking the dogs every morning. We have a couple of different routes we take and as we walk my mind races with stories. I imagine what it’s like to live in a particular house, wonder what people are doing as we walk by, ponder where they work, and I basically write a life story in my head about different things and people we see along the way. I also write stories about me, either things I hope to do or things I know will never happen but it evolves as a story in spite of that little fact. It’s lots of fun!
A couple of weeks ago as we passed a house on route #1 we noticed two dogs through their gate; one a golden retriever and the other a white dog about the same size. If not already at the gate they run over and sit as we walk by, just staring at us. I’ve decided the golden is Sam’s momma and she’s coming to see how her sweet little Bruiser is doing (that was his name when we bought him). At first I thought this to myself but last week I told Steve and he just shook his head and looked at me like I’m crazy! The truth is I don't even know if it's a girl dog or not...details, details. Now when we walk by I say “Sam, there’s your momma, looking to see how her boy is doing!” He just plods along, not paying any attention to her….or me for that matter. But I don’t mind, it makes me smile anyway.
And, it makes the walk a little more stimulating and life is so interesting when I imagine the things around me! Picture with me the the time Steve and I went to the “Garden Of The Gods” in Colorado. It’s bunches of rock formations, some of which they’ve named because of their shape but I discovered endless images apparently obvious only to me. I'd squeal with delight as I explained my take on formation after formation, most of which Steve never did comprehend. He must have told me 100 times that day how strange my little mind is! I do the same with clouds – have you ever noticed how many things are floating over your head at any given time? If not, you should look. It’ll amaze you how many doors open before your eyes when you think outside the "norm" (whatever that is).
Sure, you might think I'm weird too; or maybe just plain crazy but consider this -- God obviously has an imagination! For proof just look around you -- there are some seriously funny things in creation. If you ever get a chance to snorkel, you'll be astonished at what you see. Maybe that's a post for a later snorkeling experience.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Our Little Princess

This is one of those events that reminded me she is 95% grown up and while it is so exciting to watch, it is equally sad to watch. There are times when we have so much fun I'm thrilled she's able to drive, feed herself, and of course way past the diaper stage. But then there are those same times when I'm sad she doesn't have to depend on me to take her home, help her across the street, or scoop her up when she falls down. Oh how I miss the days of her lifting up her arms to be picked up and needing a step stool to reach the counter while we make pizza. Well, she still needs a step stool sometimes because she's height challenged but that's a different story...

I saw her in the dress last week but it took my breath away when she walked out with her hair up, make-up on, and the dress with heels. I wanted to cry. Even as I type this the tears well up. She is beautiful but for

All I can say is look for yourself -- you'll see why I am overwhelmed.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Another First
I stepped out from behind my fortress where I run the easy worship and sermon and sat in the front row, hopefully to encourage Steve. I even winked when I caught his eye. The truth is he didn't NEED me there but I'm sure he didn't mind having me there either. I'm still in disbelief that this is really our life now - it's all surreal and very strange.
Then last night we had a Missions Supper where, as a mission church of EBC we had a table and Steve had to speak for 2-3 minutes about what's going on. I was at a table with some friends and she grew up with Steve so has known him a loooonnnnng time. She says she knew him when he was an obnoxious, smart-aleck boy so not much has changed really. Back to last way of introduction, our pastor commented how when Steve returned from Iraq and met with him about his call, he said "you know, Steve, you're going to have to talk in ministry." Everyone laughed, especially those who know Steve so well -- to say he's a man of few words is an understatement. And then he stood up and as our friend said:
"He worked the crowd, stepped out around them, and ended with a joke. I'm so proud!I am too Darla, I am too!
Stay tuned tomorrow for my musings on Erica's trek to Winter Formal this weekend.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The "Why's" of a Child
Not being her parents, we get to enjoy everything about her and we don't have to be her main avenue of discipline. She's quite funny and oh-so-smart! She also happens to be in the "why" mode....yep, already....pray for her momma! In the midst of all these why's, I am reminded that often children ask why because they are trying to figure things out but sometimes because they just want to annoy an adult. HHHMMM...any spiritual implications here? I thought so!
I recalled a really funny why story from one of my many days with Peter. We got in the car with the Wall family and headed to the Big Timber water slide. Peter was probably 5 or 6 and being ever curious must have asked 100 why questions prior to this. After a few moments of silence, the following conversation ensued:
Everyone in the car exploded in laughter! Peter looked at me and said "do you know why you're laughing?" Really he meant, "why are you laughing at me?" Well, we weren't really laughing at him but try to explain that to the ever curious "why" child!Nana, don't you think it's a beautiful day?
Yes I do.
Why are there so many trees?
I don't know - because there are.
But why?
Because God wanted them there. (ah, thinking I'd put a lid on it....)
Why does he want those trees there?
I don't know - he just liked it I guess.
How did they all get there?
They spread from tree to tree.
But who put the first one there?
SIGH (exasperated)...God did.
silence....little wheels turning....
Nana, God must have a really big shovel to reach all the way from the sky
to the ground!
Indeed he does have a big shovel, sweet pea, indeed he does!
Monday, October 29, 2007
A New Respect For Joseph
Yesterday was the last sermon in the life of Joseph and it was on retribution. The reason I left with a new respect for Joseph is because he was in a position where he could have completely avenged himself for what his brothers did to him and yet he chose not to -- he chose forgiveness. Complete, without-any-strings forgiveness.
He held a political position second only to Pharaoh and subsequently had a LOT of power. He could have done whatever he wanted to do and been within legal limits. Not moral limits mind you, but legal. He also had anonymity as his brothers did not recognize him. He could have done away with all of them and nobody would have known the difference. Ah, nobody that is but Joseph himself....and of course God too. All that power at his fingertips and resources from the most powerful nation at his fingertips and yet he chose to do the morally right thing, the spiritually right thing. He didn't attempt to be God.
I've never had, and never will have, as much power and authority as Joseph. And yet I find myself continually choosing to attempt my own revenge, as if God can't do it far better than I can. I left challenged to walk the journey of forgiveness, and a difficult journey it is. I don't pretend to think it was easy for Joseph and sometimes reading the entire story in historical context we forget the human side of it and the fact that they struggled just as we do. I believe in the 22 years between when his brothers sold him as a slave and when they came begging for grain he entertained thoughts of revenge and perhaps even plotted their demise.
But in the end he left it in God's hands, recognized the greater purpose, and today looks into the face of his Savior. Sweet victory indeed.
Friday, October 26, 2007
I'm The Lucky One
I love when I see the light go on in somebody's eyes and it's like they understand something for the first time -- maybe something God has been trying to show them or maybe something they've truly never heard before. It is so rewarding.
I have such a mixed group this time -- from a woman who has been a believer for almost 70 years to a young woman who is a new believer and certainly everything in between. I don't think I've ever had such a vast group, both in spiritual maturity and walk of life.
But one of my favorite things that happens in Bible study is something that occurred last week. A woman who has been in a couple of studies with me, generally quite reserved, openly answered a very personal question. It was obviously close to her heart because her eyes welled up with tears and she didn't take her eyes off me for a second as she spoke. I understand that intensity - it's almost as if you look at something else, the tears will just fall out and you don't want that to happen so you just focus. It was all I could do not to cry myself.
So, I sent her a card last week telling her how much I appreciated her vulnerability and that I know it was so hard for her. I prayed for God to give her a special nugget of treasure. And last night after class she walked up to me, told me thanks and expressed how much it meant to her.
This is what it's all about...spiritual growth, accountability, fellowship with other believers, and encouragement. And I get to be part of it all. I am in unbelievable awe.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Brokenness Equals Usefulness?!?
Anyway, she was reading a book and although I don't know the name of it, I will probably be reading it here soon. She read me a quote out of the book and while I can't remember it exactly, the principle was this: real brokenness leads to real usefulness. She went on to say that immediately following that quote the author was expounding on how Moses spent 40 years in the desert after committing murder and how God used that time of brokenness and eventually brought him back to Egypt to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. She later followed up and said the author went through several other Biblical characters.
Over the next couple days I really pondered brokenness leading to usefulness because I am broken. Seriously broken. I asked Steve the other night "How much more stuff is going to come out?" Since the question was completely out of the blue, his response was right on...."Huh?" "Oh, pardon me, I've been conversing with myself so you truly probably have no idea what I'm talking about." I seriously do that a lot....anyway, I went on to explain that over the past few months God has just been squeezing the vice grip and man is "stuff" coming out. Things I had buried that really hurt me, situations I ran away from, and people I can't seem to forgive. It just keeps coming out!
But, there's HOPE! In order for me to really and truly life a Spirit-filled, God-glorifying life, I must deal with these. Make amends where needed, give God hurtful situations where it's not appropriate to confront, and allow healing. Complete, only-as-God-can-do-it healing.
And this morning I was reminded of a single, solitary word that will lead to victory: choose. I must choose to believe God is good when I don't feel it; choose to believe he has a purpose even though I don't see it; choose to believe He's right there even though I can't touch Him; and choose to trust that eternity is at stake and I'm privileged enough to be part of it.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A Tribute to Gizmo

Monday, October 22, 2007
Oh nuts! It's on backwards....AGAIN!
She had us over to her home (which, by the way, is a showplace and obvious talent for her) for finger food dinner, games, hot tub time, and of course much, much laughter! We always leave these evenings with the promise of doing it again real soon, but in the end are lucky to do it once a year. And every 6 weeks when I'm in her salon chair, we talk about doing it but just never get around to it.
Anyway, it was just last year when she put in the hot tub. Much like I would have been, just having the tub wasn't really enough -- she then needed a canopy, a privacy fence, and of course a door from the bathroom on the side of the house to the tub! Ah, yes, her husband is a saint like mine! He went a step further and put a heated floor in that bathroom too! Being the ever-gracious hostess, she had huge beach towels, bathrobes, and even water shoes for us to use. I felt like a queen! And as we got ready, the funniest thing ever happened.....
I was in the bathroom and Erica was in one of the adjoining bedrooms. She cried out "I need a new swimming suit - mine is too small!" I walked into the bedroom and sure enough, it was quite tight on the top (it's a 2-piece tankini). I noticed as she walked away from me that it was very crooked in the back so I told her to stop a minute. I walked up and as I was straightening it out, I noticed my fingers going into an indentation. Yep, that's right, she had it on BACKWARDS! I burst out into hysterics and she said "Not again! That's the SECOND time today!"
AGAIN? SECOND TIME? I couldn't contain myself. Through my own hysterical laughter I heard her explain that she had put her shirt on backwards that morning, and inside out too!
Oh, Rica Rain, you make me laugh girl, you really make me laugh! Whatever would I do without you and Peter?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hilarious Signs

And this is simply a really good suggestion for all of us...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Nobody
I hadn't shared with anyone other than Steve that I was really feeling this way and he would never repeat portions of conversations where such deep hurt is involved (truth be told he never talks about anybody negatively or about their "stuff" which is a topic for another day). In spite of such secrecy, it was at a luncheon a few weeks ago as I was visiting with a woman I absolutely adore that the most unbelievable thing happened. She looked straight through me as she peered into my eyes and said:
"I just want you to know you're a somebody to Jesus."Holy cow! Short of a spiritual revelation, how could she have known? I seriously wanted to burst into tears but knowing I was not in a place where that would be appropriate, I really had to choke those tears down. All I could do was shake my head in agreement.
Then this week I came across a passage in scripture that stopped me in my tracks. It comes from Philippians 2:5-7:
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (emphasis mine)So, if Christ made himself nothing, why should I be above being "a nobody"? Am I not to become more Christlike every day? Deep, deep stuff to ponder.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Fellow Journeyers

Friday, October 12, 2007
Little Drummer Girl
It delights me that she is so incredibly unique and loves to be that way -- she doesn't care what most girls are doing, she does what she wants whether it fits into "the mold" or not. No doubt that will take her far in life. HHHHMMMM....maybe I could learn a little from her on that....
Below is a link to the last game they played at; Erica is in the middle of the front row.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Isolation - Good or Bad?
After studying scripture I've concluded that the answer to "Isolation: good or bad?" is "yes". Of course I realize it's an or question but I'm holding firm to my answer!
It is good when used by God and there are indeed times he appoints for isolation. The apostle Paul is a perfect example - after his conversion he spent some time in the wilderness alone with God. Isolated for a holy purpose. The gospels frequently record times when Jesus went to a solitary place to pray which again points to isolation as appointed by God for a holy purpose.
However, isolation can also be a very dangerous place to find ourselves. One of Satan's frequently used methods is to isolate the believer from the flock and then it's so much easier to take us down. When we choose isolation as a way of escape because we don't want to deal with something, we have crossed into dangerous territory. We don't have the fellowship and accountability of other believers to keep us going, we begin to feel sorry for ourselves, and ultimately, we lose.
God created us to belong, to need each other, and to be part of a family. Scripture speaks often of this too - Jesus sent the disciples out 2 by 2; in Acts they are always with other disciples and the examples go on (trust me, there are many more examples). I'll end with Ephesians 4:16 which addresses the very benefit of "together".
From him [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Matter of View
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses. ~ Alphonse Karr
Monday, October 8, 2007
King.....or Bully?
I can't decide if Jake is asserting his kingship or if he's just being a bully. In either case, it's really funny because Sam has to weigh close to 60 or 70 pounds now and he readily submits to this little 10 pound attitude in a Pekingese body! While the fights themselves don't make me laugh, the fact that they end with Sam plopping down and Jake standing on him as best he can does make me laugh!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion." ~ Henry David Thoreau
Monday, September 24, 2007
Okay, Okay, I Got It!
Actually this also reminds me of Jake & Sam only the "yeller" would need to be much smaller, you know, like a 10 pound Pekingese.

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Keeping On
Even in the midst of the hectic days and late nights of working at the conference in Charlotte, I maintained the discipline of daily lessons for the Bible study I'm leading. While it might not seem like much, this was a huge victory for me. Even though I'm missing 2 weeks, if I don't keep up, I will end up hurrying through 3 weeks of lessons in 1 week and consequently won't be able to meditate on the lessons and really get what God intends for me.
One of the greatest truths this week came out a lesson focusing on the miracles Jesus did in his own hometown and how he was rejected and subsequently moved on. The point was that "Jesus was determined." No matter how he felt pulled, no matter how others tried to make priorities for him, no matter how they begged him to stay (mostly for their own wants and not God's), he kept on. It wasn't because he didn't care about people's physical needs but rather the reason stated was this:
"Because every other need humanity possessed was secondary to the need to hear and receive the gospel. Not unimportant, just secondary." (1)For some reason that just overwhelmed my heart. He kept on. No matter what, he kept on with the spreading of the gospel. Christ was always focused on the eternal. Physical healing in this life and meeting physical needs in this life are important, but not primary, not the reason we're here.
Not rocket science, just a reminder. And we must keep on as well.
(1) Taken from Jesus One And Only 2000 by Beth Moore; p63.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A Walk On The Funny Side

Monday, September 17, 2007
The funny thing is that the sermon wasn't even really about that but I know enough about God to know that no matter the sermon topic, he can (and does!) use it to speak directly to the very thing I need.
My pastor made the following statement, which by the way he used to tell kids when he worked in children's and youth ministry....HHHMMM...what does that say about me? Anyway, here it is:
"No sin is too big that God can't forgive it, and no problem is too small that he doesn't want to hear it. Likewise, no sin is so small that we shouldn't take it to God, and no problem is so big he can't handle it."
Basically, nothing is impossible with God. And here's the weird thing -- he also said that we while we trust God with the biggest thing on earth -- saving us from eternity in hell -- we still think he isn't capable of handling all the other stuff in our lives. Pretty much exactly how I ended the last post. I'll end today using a verse from the sermon yesterday, taken from 1 Peter 5:7 (by the way, he did a thing about what "casting" means in the verse below but you'll have to listen to it as he explains it way better than me! It's the sermon from 9/16):
"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (King James Version)
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (New Int'l Version)
Friday, September 14, 2007
This past week a verse just jumped off the page and became the landing point for my brief insight. It came out of Luke 1:37 which says, "For nothing is impossible with God." I shared with the ladies that because I have limitations, I frequently humanize God and give him those same limitations. BUT, that verse is in direct contradiction with my tendency. Nothing is impossible with God -- NOTHING!
I showed them a couple of places in scripture where God did the impossible; first, he made the sun stand still for Joshua. The sun stood still until the battle was over (Josh. 10)! Then in Isaiah he gave a promise to Hezekiah and as a sign of the promise he made the shadow cast by the sun go back 10 steps (Isa. 38). That's right, the shadow went backwards! And of course, who can forget that he parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk through on dry ground (Ex. 14)? And to prove that God is still at work in our time, I shared the part of Corrie Ten Boom's story where her bottle of vitamin drops did not run out while in concentration camp and she gave to more and more women every day. Unbelievable!
And so I am reminded that God is still in the business of miracles that both delight his children and show his power and glory. The greatest perhaps of all is when Christ lay down his life and took it back up again so I might have eternal life. Is there any problem I face greater than death? Greater than eternity in hell? No, not likely. Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn't it?