Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mayhem...And The Joy of Unexpected Visits

Last night around 8 p.m. Steve got a call from Jim who said they were in the neighborhood walking their dogs and wanted to stop by. I could go off on a huge rabbit trail about how crazy Jim & Brandi are to walk their dogs in this weather at that time of night but I think I've already sufficiently covered that I think it's crazy!

So, Steve went to open the door and as soon as Jake saw what was on the other side, he went NUTS - he always does when he sees other dogs. They all poured in and once the leashes were off, mayhem ensued! For those who don't know, Jim & Brandi have a beagle, Kaycee (posted several months ago with Sam & Jake) and a 6 month old black lab, Hunter. Add that to Sam the Golden Retriever and Jake the Pekingese and, well, I'm sure you understand. It was hilarious!

They all went outside but of course Jake came back into the house in no time - not only does his little body despise this weather, he just couldn't keep up. He sure tried, though! So, we let them back in the house and pure pandemonium -- again! Streaks of dogs everywhere! When Hunter started in on Sam, Jake was not pleased....believe it or not, he kind of came to the rescue of the big oaf. But, oh, they had so much fun -- at least I think they did. I'm no "dog whisperer" but I do have eyes and a brain.

But for the fact that Hunter took an unnatural liking to Sam, all went well. In spite of all the laughing we did at the 4 stooges, the better part was the unexpected visit. It was so reminiscent of my childhood where Saturdays at our house were a constant stream of people just stopping by for coffee and 20-30 minutes of conversation. Nobody does that anymore and it feels like a missing piece.

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