Friday, December 7, 2007

Pearl Harbor Day

It was 66 years ago today Pearl Harbor was attacked. Total devastation, utter chaos, and mass confusion ensued as our homeland was under fire.

A few years ago Steve and I had the privilege of touring the harbor and I was incredibly moved by the occasion. It was somber, reflective, and I was deeply saddened. I would love to post a few pictures but I've already pasted them into a scrapbook and they were taken in our pre-digital-camera days. I'm sure there are far better pictures on the web anyway.

From December 7, 1941 it would be almost 60 full years before the next grand scale attack on our homeland. We had forgotten the horror, we had neglected God, we had become over-confident and come to rely solely on ourselves.

Let's not forget, my friends, the cost of freedom and remember that our safety comes not from a great nation (although we are one) and not from ourselves, but from God alone. Pause today to reflect on the great price paid by thousands who have gone before and thousands who walk among us today.

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