Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Halls Are Decked

We've now decked our halls and the Christmas season can officially commence!

I went really simple this year because I've decided less is more (and it's easier to clean up a few weeks from now too).

A few years ago our neighbor thought it would be fun if the entire 2 blocks of Daystar had stars up for Christmas. It's kind of fun although some people are scrooges....not us!

It's kind of hard to tell in this picture but we put up our "Patriot / USMC Tree". I've been collecting patriotic and Marine ornaments the last few years to use when we finish our Americana basement but it's unknown when that will be so I switched from my lovely purple tree to the patriotic tree this year.

Check out this nativity scene. It's ceramic and the main piece with Joseph, Mary, and Jesus is actually a music box. I got this for a steal at Dillard's a few years ago - 50% off! I was so excited I almost had to buy 2...but Shiela was there and bought one too so I could refrain.

My oh-so-fun Christmas dishes. It just dawned one me as I posted this that I could totally use these in January too if I want because they don't really have a Christmas theme. However, at 75% off I wasn't too picky:) Super bargain shopper!

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