Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm The Lucky One

Bible study was simply amazing last night. I so love my Thursday night girls. They encourage me, inspire me, and I probably learn more from them than they do from me. They make me want to study more and so I do because second on the list of horrible things in a class is listening to someone who is under-prepared (for me, first is listening to somebody who doesn't know of what they speak). No wonder God gives a warning to teachers about taking the responsibility serious.

I love when I see the light go on in somebody's eyes and it's like they understand something for the first time -- maybe something God has been trying to show them or maybe something they've truly never heard before. It is so rewarding.

I have such a mixed group this time -- from a woman who has been a believer for almost 70 years to a young woman who is a new believer and certainly everything in between. I don't think I've ever had such a vast group, both in spiritual maturity and walk of life.

But one of my favorite things that happens in Bible study is something that occurred last week. A woman who has been in a couple of studies with me, generally quite reserved, openly answered a very personal question. It was obviously close to her heart because her eyes welled up with tears and she didn't take her eyes off me for a second as she spoke. I understand that intensity - it's almost as if you look at something else, the tears will just fall out and you don't want that to happen so you just focus. It was all I could do not to cry myself.

So, I sent her a card last week telling her how much I appreciated her vulnerability and that I know it was so hard for her. I prayed for God to give her a special nugget of treasure. And last night after class she walked up to me, told me thanks and expressed how much it meant to her.

This is what it's all about...spiritual growth, accountability, fellowship with other believers, and encouragement. And I get to be part of it all. I am in unbelievable awe.

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