Sunday, November 16, 2008

I So Totally Underestimated God

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a family we ministered to and how they told us they would visit our church when she was better. I remarked how skeptical I was at that statement. A few days after that something else happened that really led me to believe we'd never see this family in church.

But today when we arrived, they were there--the entire family! While I may have had reason to doubt a fellow human, I had no reason whatsoever to doubt what God was doing in their lives. Clearly He was up to something or we never would have had the chance to minister to them. I completely underestimated God.

Surely I should know better. I learned a big lesson at church today and while the worship music and sermon were fantastic, the greater lesson came from this particular event.

I'm so glad God doesn't think as small as I do. He's limitless whereas I frequently limit myself. If only I'd tap deeper into the great power He's given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating this story! I love it when God does something we've decided he can't:) Jill