Thursday, November 13, 2008

Funny Morning Conversation

This morning Steve got up bright and early to depart to go hunting with a friend at 6 a.m. But Tra's house lost power so he didn't show up until shortly after 7...about 20 minutes after Steve called him. It turned out to be a good thing for me because I wouldn't have been up at 6 to hear this funny conversation. I sat in the recliner, covered in blankets for my usual don't-bug-me-as-I-wake-up sitting ritual.

Here's the conversation:
Steve: Do you have something to use to attach the tag?

Tra: No.

Steve: Got a knife?

Tra: No.
Steve disappeared briefly retrieve these items.
Steve: You have gloves?

Tra: Just these (indicated by the show of a keep the hands warm kind of glove).

Steve: No, gloves to use while you gut it--unless you want to use those.

Tra: No.

Steve: Okay, I've got some surgical gloves.

Tra: What kind of weird freak are you?

Julie (coming out of my sleep coma): If he puts on the glove and snaps the bottom, you might want to run.

Steve: Oh, I've got the vaseline too.

Tra: Julie, I'm not going hunting with Steve after all.
Now that's funny stuff!

Then there was some brief discussion about when you have to show your weapon and when you can conceal it. Steve knows this stuff since he spent 11 years enforcing the law and all. And out the door they went. My Rugged-Handsome-Camo-Wearing Marine and his Elmer-Fudd-Hat-Wearing Navy comrade. I'm sure it will be a fun, albeit interesting morning!


Lindsay said...

This is hilarious! Was this Tra's first hunting trip? I really shouldn't poke fun at him, because I'd have NO CLUE what to do either. :)

Julie said...

Lins - yes and no. Tra's been hunting before with his father-in-law but he hadn't actually shot anything yet. I thought it was his first MT deer but nope, it was his first deer ever.