Saturday, September 27, 2008

The "Why" of an Idol

In this past week's study on idols we answered the question, "why an idol?" Each day we looked at a different answer to that question. Undoubtedly there are more than the 5 answers we studied but I find them to be fairly inclusive.

So, as I prepared for the week, I took a different spin on each of these and was utterly fascinated with the scriptures I found to address each one. However, there was one that spoke so personally to me and it was identity. As an aside, pain was a pretty close second.

Think about this--our idols give us an identity. This is so important for women. Sometimes we identify ourselves relationally, i.e. wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc. Other times we do so professionally, i.e. doctor, analyst, etc. Our jobs and relationships can easily become idols. The question becomes "what happens to us when circumstances change that identity?" For example, let's say you lose your job, your marriage takes a turn for the worst, or your children rebel. How does that affect your identity? For most of us, it causes an identity crisis.

I'll use myself as an example. Three years ago my life began to turn upside down. My husband went to Iraq (not our first deployment and this was a really positive experience for us so I'm not crying about it). Yes, I was still his wife, but the dynamic changed. Then, due to a corporate merger, my job was eliminated. I had so engrossed myself with that job and it provided not only great income but reward, recognition, and I WAS my job. One day it was gone. Then my dad died--my childhood knight in shining armor, one of the two most important men in my life. Technically I'll always be his daughter but I was a girl without an earthly dad. Who the heck was I? I must have asked myself that a million times. Everything I used to identify myself was gone and I found myself in the middle of a great battle for identity. This went on for over a year and there weren't too many days that passed without tears.

I finally realized that the answer was in the mis-placement of my identity. I should firmly place who I am and what I do in Christ--and only Christ. But it has to be a conscious choice to do so. I began to search the scriptures to answer the question "who am I in Christ?" There are several but here are just a couple I love:
In Ephesians 5:1, I am a dearly loved child.

In Isaiah 62:12 I am part of a holy people...redeemed of the Lord...sought after... (and this one I love)...a city no longer deserted.

In 1 Peter 2:5 I am a holy priesthood.
And those are just a few. If I (and you) find my identity in Christ, there are no circumstances that can come into my life which cause me to lose my identity. I am secure. There may be pain from the circumstances, but who I am in Christ will be firmly set.

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