Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Last night in small group we looked at reasons we feel inadequate to serve God. We examined examples in David, Abraham, Moses, and Peter. Each of these biblical characters had reason to feel so unqualified to serve God.

For David, it was great sin--adultery and murder chief among them. He could have used that as a reason to run and hide, never to serve again. He did not. He chose to receive God's forgiveness and restoration.

For Abraham, it was age. He could have thought he was too old to be the father of many nations. He could have used the fact that he didn't have a child of his own to say no. He did not. He chose to believe God.

Moses tried to use his lack of eloquent speech, stammering, and overall inability to speak. God countered all his objections and eventually Moses came to the place where he surrendered and went on to be known as the friend of God.

Peter could have used his denial of Christ and been overcome with sorrow and regret. He did not. He chose to receive forgiveness and restoration and went on to give an amazing sermon on the Day of Pentecost where thousands were added to the kingdom of God in one day.

I could create a grand list of my own inadequacies that could certainly disqualify me for ministry. Often I am tempted to do so. Sometimes it's because I don't want to do something but usually it's because I just don't feel adequate enough to do what I've been asked to do. That's where the lies of satan overtake me.

That truth is that in and of myself, I am inadequate. I don't have what it takes to do what He's called me to do but therein lies the great victory that gives God glory. When I do something that is completely out of my comfort zone and natural talents or abilities, then everyone around me can know that it's not me but Christ in me. All of my shortcomings are overcome by Christ in me.

I said this in a recent post but one of my favorite truths is that God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If He's called me to do something, then he will equip me with whatever I need to complete the task. He promises to do so.

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