So, yesterday I started a new job. And it wasn't horrible. Starting a new job is never easy but for too long I used that as my excuse to stay where I knew I wasn't supposed to be. But now that I've made the leap, I can honestly say it wasn't so bad!
I don't think this is a permanent move for me but just enough to give me the courage to do what God wanted me to do. There is actually a company I am waiting to hear back from and I am so excited about that job so hopefully it becomes a reality. If not, it's only because that's not where God wants me. I've worked in that particular industry before and for a couple of years did a job so close to what I applied for that it's hard to imagine I won't at least get an interview! But, I keep praying that God will close any door I'm not supposed to walk through so I won't take it personally if it doesn't happen. Wow...even as I typed that I wondered "who are you talking about?" Hard to believe it's me.
But even in the midst of all this really positive stuff going on, I still had such a bout of such severe insecurity all I could do was cry. One of my first instincts was to pick up the phone and call my dad or just run over and talk to him. But I can't. I just desperately want him to know what's going on in my life and just hear his affirmation. It always meant the world to me.
This is where I must close. I have tons to do as I prepare for hosting my cousin's shower tomorrow and we have dinner plans tonight so no time for further musing.
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