Monday, September 15, 2008

Nothing Like a Good Sermon....

...on hell to make me remember the urgency of sharing the gospel and how unimportant everything else is.

We're still making our way through the book of Mark and we came to 9:42-50 where Jesus talks about hell. There were 3 points in the sermon before the description of hell but the 3rd one stood out the most. It was "there is no such thing as hell on earth." Our pastor went on to say that doesn't mean there aren't horrible atrocities in this life because obviously there are. But nothing in the here and now can compare to an eternity of torment and suffering in hell. Compared to that, this life, even at 100 years, is a mere blip on the radar.

Sermons like this are great because often in my every day life, and dare I say everyone's life (?), I get caught up in what's happening to me and it's the worst thing ever. Anyone else there? It could be at the hand of someone else, it could be sickness, or it could just be my own stupidity (frequently). People buzz past me, come in and out of my path and I never stop to contemplate their eternal destiny. Nope, it's just all about my little world.

And then our Sunday School lesson came out of Matthew 21 about the parable of the great wedding feast and the guy cast out into "outer darkness where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth" aka hell.

Man, with those two back-to-back lessons, I've got to say God is clearly showing me something. See, I'm smart like that....HA HA!

p.s. - if you want to be challenged on this very subject, you can listen to this sermon by clicking here.

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