The study is No Other Gods / Confronting our Modern Day Idols by Kelly Minter. Once you read the following excerpt, you'll get why I'm so incredibly jazzed.
Her comments reference 2 Kings 17:33, 41 so here it is for a quick read: "They worshiped the Lord, but they also served their own gods...Even while these people were worshiping the Lord, they were serving their idols."
Could it be that we are serving our own gods, though we sit on the front row of church and serve the fruit tea? Do we claim the Bible as our source of truth while our real counselors come from movie screens and magazines? Perhaps so many of our struggles--lack of freedom, loss of spiritual desire, slavery to image, perfectionism, confusion, and infinitely more possibilities--have much to do with God and gods. The people in 2 Kings were worshipping God, but they were serving their idols.I so want this study to permeate all of my senses and just really reveal to me any idols that are taking even a small part of my heart and loyalty away from God. These next 9 weeks will be a ride, that's certain, for God is never boring. And he always honors even our meager efforts at obedience.
I believe this halfhearted living is possibly one of the reasons why so many of us have been stuck. Basically, we have edged God out. We have left Him with little room in our hearts. Our false gods have taken up our most treasured spaces, leaving little room for God to show Himself strong on our behalf. (1)
(1) Taken from No Other Gods by Kelly Minter; 2007, LifeWay Press; pages 11-12.
1 comment:
Sounds like a great study, Julie - and, you're right, our idols do remove God from His throne. Sometimes this is accomplished in such a gradual way, that we are unaware until smacked in the face with either some consequences or a heart that has been broken.
Will be praying for you and your dear ladies over the next 9 weeks,
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