Thursday, September 11, 2008

Steve's Birthday

Today is Steve's 39th birthday. In honor of his special day, I wrote the following card:

OUTSIDE: As is the custom, 39 years ago today the doctor slapped your....

INSIDE: ...mother and asked "What were you thinking?"

It was all I could do not to make him open it yesterday because I couldn't contain my laughter! So, Happy Birthday Steve! This is the one day a year you don't have to make your bed, that you get to do what you want, and then I'll make you whatever you want for dinner.

Oh, wait, that's every day. Maybe in celebration of your birthday you should make the bed and serve me. HHHHMMMMM....

Here's a few fun shots of Steve as a little guy.

Seems my man was a patriot from way back.

This is one of my all time favorite pictures. It's his kindergarten picture and he just looks so devilish, doesn't he?


Lindsay said...

That is one mischievious little look! HA HA! I didn't know it was Steve's birthday last week!!! Well, I hope the two of you had a really fun day. :)

Julie said...

Since we started the new Bible study that night, I was at church and he was home. How's that for a celebration? I didn't even make dinner that night. I know, how sad....BUT, I did take him to the Rib & Chop House Friday night. And I had cake & ice cream as small group a couple days before that so I think I'm off the hook!