Friday, February 8, 2008

Baby Brother

Today is my brother's birthday, more specifically my younger brother, Craig. I adore him--he's hilarious, sarcastic, and sometimes obnoxious yet I adore him anyway.

As kids he was frequently the target of the sisters (Shiela and I) ganging up on him which ceased to be fun once he could hold his own. And the purpose of little brothers is to annoy their older sisters, a purpose he fulfilled quite readily. About 2 years before I got married we started to become friends -- real friends. I loved that time. Then I moved away, and further away, and furthest away. A couple years after I moved home, he moved away. But now he's in Great Falls and we see each other several times a year.

My fondest adult memories come from our trips together. The first was to Phoenix when he moved there in 1997. Because I had lived there for 3 years, I jumped at the opportunity to drive down with him and help him get settled; a kid fresh out of college and me, the wise, 3-years-older-sister. It was just the two of us on a road trip, lots of laughter and adventure, and then tears as I boarded a plane and left my baby brother there all by himself. To be clear, the tears were mine, not his! The second trip was to Boston and Maine, with our spouses, in 2004. I smile ear to ear just thinking about how fun that was. He and Steve get along so well and I love that too.

So, Happy Birthday Craig! I love you man! I look forward to many other adventures, maybe Philly sometime soon?

Mom, Craig & I:

Dad and baby Craig:

Shiela, Craig, and I (on vacation in ND):
All the siblings:

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