Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shopping With Peter

My Wednesdays with Peter event yesterday ended up being at the mall. We planned on Pompey's Pillar but it was hot and smokey so we switched gears. Peter had actually called me in the morning and said he'd buy lunch at "the salad place" aka Salad Creations. He loves that place! Let's be honest, I'm a pretty big fan too.

So, then we headed to the mall. I started buying Erica school clothes when she was 10 or 11 so it's only fair to do the same for Mr. P, right? He's a lot of fun to shop with because he has such a definite sense of his own style and is actually quite stylish. I'm pretty sure he gets that from my brother.

He asks me the strangest questions too. Yesterday he said, "Aunt Julie, do you think Uncle Steve is icy, lukewarm, or hot?" I immediately answered "Oh, he's hot alright!" Even though he protested and said something along the lines of "eeeewwwww", it still didn't deter the little dude.

But mostly, we laugh. He told me he loves that I think he's funny and believe me, he really hams it up. And I revel in every minute of it. I really wish I always would have had the same outlook I do now on what's really important in life.

Peter with his latest fave - a turkey wrap:
Peter browsing:
Whew - after all that, we needed a break. Fortunately Dillard's had a couple of chairs set up in the aisle for us to rest in. Did we look weird? Probably..especially when I started taking pictures. Did we care? Not so much!

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