Saturday, July 19, 2008


Man, we've been running all week and we just returned from the airport where we dropped off the luggage and said goodbye to our missions team. Not surprisingly, I was quite choked up. As I said in my post a few days ago, they blessed our socks off and added so much to our new little church.

Last night at the end of VBS I noticed this sweet little girl standing in the aisle with tears streaming down her face. I knelt down beside her and asked what was wrong. She gave me a big hug and said "I want to come back! I want to see it again!" I talked to her for a minute and then her grandmother took her by the hand and off they went to get an ice cream sandwich. That did the trick -- she left it good spirits after that.

But I get what she was saying. It's been an exhausting week but a good week. As much as I feel relief that it's over and we can rest, I enjoyed those 50 kids running all over the place.

I've got a million things to do today yet I'm content just to sit in the recliner for a minute, reflect on what God did in our midst this past week, and rest....even if just for a moment. In my head I'm recalling Matthew 11:28:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
I'll take it, Lord, I'll take it!

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