Have you ever been out of sorts for a reason you can't readily identify? That's how I feel today. I shouldn't be - I started my day (a beautiful-perfect-temperature-kind of morning) on the deck with a fruit smoothie and the Word of God. Does it get any better than that? I guess so - I had 2 furry friends with me too.
I desperately wanted to hear from God on 2 things weighing heavily on me but I got nothing on either of those. Maybe that's why I'm antsy today. I wanted to stay there until I did but then there's this thing called work and I had to get moving.
And then I feel extremely frustrated but again, can't identify why. To top it off, my feelings were just really hurt and I know I have to take the high road and not say anything about it. I also can't say anything about the reasons for that decision which is probably leading to more frustration. And some anger too.
I just really want to be alone today. Just me and God. And preferably a stream or river.
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