Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America!

One of the most exciting things we did while stationed at Quantico was to visit the National Archives. It was a deeply meaningful, somber experience. The halls were eerily quiet as we took our turn and passed in front of each document. It took my breath away to think of the significance of each document and I was silent out of complete reverence and awe. A couple of years ago we topped our DC adventures off with a historical tour of Boston where much of this culminated as well.

Below is a picture of the original Declaration and believe me when I tell you it looks a little better in person. (It is faded badly because of the poor preservation techniques during the 19th century. The second image is taken from the engraving made by printer William J. Stone in 1823 and is the most frequently reproduced version. Today this priceless document is maintained under the most exacting archival conditions possible.*)

(*Taken from

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