As I walked in the house I smelled a pie crust baking. There Steve sat on the sofa and I asked "why do I smell pie crust?" He told me there had been an "accident" with the pie crust I had made the night before so he had to make another one. Knowing I had yet to make the filling, he decided to do one of them for me to help me out. BUT, he poured it in the wrong crust (one was regular, the other graham cracker). So after putting it in the right one, the other crust was unusable and he made a new one. Instead of being utterly grateful for the help, I became more frustrated, mostly because it was "my job" and I felt like I was failing -- at being a wife, keeping my house orderly, balancing my checkbook, my day job, basically I wasn't being Super Woman all that well.
I took my frustrations out on the one person who hadn't caused any of them and within minutes, was completely ashamed of my behavior. No, the pie crust didn't have the pretty little border but so what? I can now only imagine my irritation if he wouldn't have done anything and I ended up making one myself at 9:30 at night! To top it off, he ran to the store for me when I discovered I was missing an ingredient. I felt like a schmuck (sp?). No, I was a schmuck. To all the things I had yet to do, the frustration I was already feeling, now I could add guilt and shame. I quickly apologized and he graciously forgave me but I was left standing there wishing I could rewind an hour and do it again. But I couldn't.
This was yet just one more reminder for me why it's important to THINK before I speak -- to really ponder what the ripple effect of my words will be, and learn to keep it to myself if more harm will be done than good. Fortunately this time I blabbed in the direction of someone who loves me no matter what and is quick to overlook it but next time that may not be the case. I am reminded today of the words of one of the wisest men to ever walk the planet, Solomon. I will leave you with those but not before the postscript -- at Bible study last night 2 people commented that the pie crust (Steve's) tasted so good......HHHMMM, it didn't even have a pretty border.....
Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.
Proverbs 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 17:27 A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.
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