Tuesday, June 5, 2007


As you might conclude from my blog background, I absolutely love lighthouses. I never really thought much about them until we spent 3 years stationed with the Marine Corps in coastal North Carolina. On some of our discovery road trips we visited the vast array of lighthouses in that area and I found myself more and more intrigued. As a matter of fact I grew so attached to their purpose that I had a bedroom decorated with "all things lighthouse". During that time I encountered a picture that initially I just liked but the more it hung on the wall, the more I began to adore it. I came to realize the spiritual symbolism and now I can't get it out of my mind (not that I want to).

Many of you have probably seen this picture as it comes in a couple of different forms. It's got a lighthouse (duh!) and the waves are just crashing around it in the midst of an enormous storm. The sky is ominously black and you can see the light at the top shining out into the sea. Can you imagine the relief of a ship's crew as they're caught in that storm and they finally see that light directing them to safety? I can almost hear the cheers on the ship as they realize all is not lost.

I've felt the same way. As I look at that picture, the memories pour in of my times in the waves -- those times when I'm tossed to and fro, drowning, utterly unable to help myself. And then I see the Light, Jesus, and and his hand extended out to me. I can hear him through his word saying "you're alright, just take my hand." And when I do, he sometimes leads, but more often carries me to the landing. Sometimes the waves stop but frequently they don't; it's my position that changes. I'm safe. Security is mine because of the grace of God.

I'll close today with a couple pictures of lighthouses we've visited over the years; the first is in North Carolina; the second is in Maine. If you take a good look at the second one, you'll see a second lighthouse in the background -- we'll call it a 2-for-1!

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