Monday, June 4, 2007

Let the excitement begin!

I'm unbelievably excited as I post my first blog! God has done much in my life over the past few years and sharing those experiences is not only a way for me to grow but I've been told along the way that others have benefited from my transparency, vulnerability, and insight. I've come to realize that when I have a particular struggle, others do too. Why do we keep our journeys private, hide in shame, and refuse to let others learn our lessons with us or help us through it? Two answers that come immediately to mind are pride and society -- to admit we need help or we've failed are considered weaknesses and we have bought into the "lone ranger" mentality that is both destructive and condemning. I believe God wants us to travel together, to laugh, to cry, and to be accountable.

My hope is that in sharing my experiences, others will be encouraged, uplifted, gain strength to go on, and be pointed to the Cross of Christ. Often my life is a cartoon or sitcom and I will share those hilarious times with you; but sometimes it's heartbreaking, lonely, and rough -- those experiences will not be left out though identifying details will be. To leave out the bad would not paint a realistic picture of what life on earth is about and it is these times that make me long for Heaven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go, girl! I'm sure anyone reading about your thoughts and experiences will benefit.