Thursday, June 21, 2007

Life is Not Fair

Today's words are more for me than anyone else but in my on-again-off-again struggle trying to figure out why some people seemingly "have it all" while I am more deficient than not, I thought perhaps you may benefit from this statement written by Dave Branon.
"We are not the arbiters of fairness. God is, and He knows far more than we do about His plans and purposes. The question isn't about fairness. In the end, it's about trust in a faithful God who knows what He is doing."
For me, today stinks -- yesterday did too -- tomorrow's not looking good either. I could fill up 3 paragraphs with all the "why" questions I have but because they are intensely personal (and probably immature), I will not. However, if like me you are asking yourself a bunch of "why" questions, maybe this little quote will push you over the top. Not working for me yet but who knows, right?

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