Yesterday afternoon I went out to Laurel to work in the church. Knowing I'd be in it for a couple of hours I took a few CDs to listen to while I worked. I gathered up all the stuff I'd need and then popped in the CD. Nothing came out of the speakers but the player was clearly working - that I could hear. So what's a girl to do? Pick up the phone and call Steve! He told me sometimes the player in the back doesn't work and I should use the computer.
Ah, good idea! I went to the front, turned on the machine and popped the CD in the tray. Remembering it's hooked to the wireless mic, I turned that on too. I was so proud. Until no sound came out. AARRRGGGHH! I went back the sound cabinet and messed with the volume buttons for port 5 - that is where the list said it is wired (note - I was very careful to remember what I moved so I could move it all back - so kind of me, right?). Still nothing. Now what does a girl do? She calls Steve again.
"Did you turn on the wireless mic?" he asked. Okay, now I was really annoyed -- "how stupid does he think I am?" I muttered to myself. He could tell I was clearly not happy with the question by the way I answered a very curt "yes". He said short of coming out there, he really didn't know. Okay, I thought, so get out here! Drop everything and fix this! Yes, I'm generally this reasonable.
Then I had another thought - what if this were Bible study night and I couldn't get the sound to work for the video? I decided not to call him and jump on that one. For a brief second I gained my wits and said to myself "What if the sky fell chicken little?" It didn't last long.
I messed some more with the sound stuff but never did get any music. Then I was mad. Really mad. Out loud I said (quite angrily I admit), "I can't be here for 2 hours with no music and no one to talk to!" I marched up front, grabbed my CD, put in the case, and then threw it in the chair. I even thought of kicking the wall on my way by, as if that would help. I opted for ranting, again out loud but clearly only to myself, about how stupid it was and they should just quit changing ports and stations, and on and on, mostly with me as the victim.
After 5 minutes of working silently I found myself thinking about what great behavior that was -- and in a church no less. As if that makes it worse. In all reality, it was good I was in a church, all by myself. That same behavior in a public place would have totally ruined any credibility I had in my witness. After all, the building isn't sacred or holy. I am. At least I'm supposed to be. The church is made up of believers that just happen to meet in a building we affectionately call the church.
The problem wasn't that I was in a place where we meet for worship. The problem is that I was a big baby because things didn't work out the way I wanted them to. This is good progress for me. Historically I would have just zoomed right past it, never realizing and/or acknowledging my poor behavior and thus never learning from it.
And it makes a good story too.
Glad to know I am not alone in my pettiness. Thanks for putting this out there. I love you in spite of this...wait, maybe because of this! Jill
Far be it from me to bring this don't suppose He might have wanted you to be listening to Him during that work time - you know, with NOT being able to get sound and all...
I can identify easily with your feelings, actions and speech. Just let me have a power outage of any kind.
BTW - love your blog, Julie.
It's nice to know my flaws only endear me to you Jill:)
Sharon - thanks for the affirmation that I'm not entirely alone in this struggle. I think you're right on in saying God wants us to sometimes have silence. Kind of like Elijah hearing God in the quiet, not in the fire or earthquake.
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