Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm Motivated To...

Tonight as I was opening my soda I did a quick calculation to figure about how much it costs us to drink soda every year. Granted it's a very rough estimate but as best I could guess, it's around $540 a year. That's right.....$ 5 4 0!!

I'm completely blown away. That's a ton of money on something that is not so great for me anyway. I could probably go so far as to say it's bad for me. With everything I've read about diet soda, you'd think it would scare me into staying away. It did for a while but then...well, you know.

So, now I'm motivated to take a look at the other seemingly small expenses we have. I'll bet I can come up with at least another $1000. Properly invested, this can really stack up. Or better yet, properly invested in God's Kingdom, it can stack up even more.

Does this kind of thing motivate anyone else?


Lindsay said...

Oh yeah, I bet I spend about $900 or so a year on coffee! Ouch.

Julie said...

Okay, so just Lindsay and I are brave enough to admit our weaknesses (addictions?). We know the rest of you have 'em too!