Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Minds of Little Ones

A couple of weeks ago I went with my friend Sara to a grocery store. After she picked me up we had to stop and get the kiddos. I'm pretty sure they are 3 and 5. The first funny thing is that, from the back seat, her little boy said "Mom, where'd you get her?" Note the emphasis on "her". Sara replied "I picked her up on the street." That was actually true. I was waiting for her outside. The strange thing is he didn't find that odd at all.

Then as we made our drive her little girl became enthralled with me. She declared "Julie, you're my new best friend!" Yeah, sure, for 15 minutes. Anyway, she pushed my cart through the store explaining to me what everything was and how delicious it was too. We got back in the car and she asked if she could hold my purse. I gave it to her. Then she asked for my sunglasses. I handed her those too. Once she was all decked out, she exclaimed "I'm going to be you for a day!" Here's the rest of the conversation (J is me, C is her, and S is Sara):

J: Are you going to work for me tomorrow too?

C: Yes! And then I'll live in your house, be mom to your dogs, and be married to your husband!

S: What are you going to do with her husband?

C: I'm going to kiss him on the lips!!!

At this I busted a gut. It was all too much.

S: But Mr. Steve is married.

C: I'm not.

S: But Mr. Steve is.

C: So, I am not!

S: But C, Mr. Steve is!

C: (very loudly) SO WHAT, I AM NOT MARRIED!

J: (turning to Sara) That's nice....your hands are so full with that one!

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