Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big Dog...Bad Wrap

I have a friend who tells me all the time that Sam frequently gets the bad wrap at our house and gets blamed for everything. While that's not entirely true, there is something that happened this morning that was a classic example of that being the case. But before I share it, I admit to knowing Jake is a bully. Initially Sam just went along with it but lately he's bullied back. The problem is he weighs almost 90 pounds and at just 10 pounds, the chances of Jake getting injured are pretty high. Additionally, Jake was there first, Sam is the newcomer and as such, he is at the bottom of the dog pile.

As I was getting ready for work today Steve was running downstairs (on the treadmill, not in circles around the basement...heehee...). I heard Sam crying so I went out to the living room only to find him at the landing of the stairs looking down, whimpering. It was quite sad. So I said "Sammy, what's the problem?" He looked over at me and back down the stairs. I went over to look for myself and noticed Jake just laying on the 4th step down. I said "Baby Jake, what's wrong?" He sat up, tail wagging and stared at me. He generally won't go all the way down if Sam is coming behind him because when that big 'ol thing starts down the stairs it's like a freight train and anything in his path is going to be run over. So assuming that is the case I told Sam to sit, went and picked Jake up and carried him down the stairs. Then came the brute at full speed.

I told Steve I was leaving in about 5 minutes and that I had to carry Jake down because he wanted in the basement but was too scared to come down the stairs (Steve always refuses to carry him saying he can come on his own if he wants...how rude..). He said "no, he can come down by himself and as a matter of fact was already down here this morning and left."

Then I knew the truth. Jake was being a bully again. He staked his ground and laid there all content knowing Sam won't try to go down the stairs if he is on them. He's been in trouble for knocking Jake down in his bum rush down the stairs and while a brute, Sam is no dummy. His remedy? Tell on Jake.

Are these dogs or kids? Seems like it could go either way.

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