Friday, May 30, 2008

The End. Be Blessed.

Last night was the end of our current Bible study series. Frequently I am emotional on the last night and this one was no different. This study has meant the world to me. It's one of two studies that has dramatically changed my life. That's not to say the other studies were not great and worthwhile, but there are 2 that stand out as major movings of God in my life. The truth is I get something out of every study but much of it depends on where I am, my openness, willingness, or just simple despair.

So I come away not only spiritually enriched but also had the privilege of meeting and getting to know 2 women I hadn't before. Once again I had a wide variety in age (21 - 70ish), spiritual maturity, and walk of life. It's been a ride, that is certain. I love these women who made this pilgrimage with me, and those who make every pilgrimage with me. They hold me accountable to keep studying, to complete the lessons, to keep growing. And at the end I'm reminded that often it's a struggle to maintain that discipline if I don't have a weekly check-in to do so.

Since it was a study on the Psalms of Ascent, we ended with Psalm 134 and the last verse speaks of "blessings from Zion". I smile just remembering. One of the suggestions in the book was to write a blessing to say over the group. Only a few women chose to do this verbally and I was moved beyond belief. In keeping with my philosophy that I never ask the ladies (or girls as I call them) to do anything I wouldn't, I also read a blessing over them. And you.
May God give you a daily hunger that can only be satisfied in His Word and a thirst so deep it can only be quenched in the well of who He is. Be blessed girls, my dear sisters, be blessed.

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