Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything

My mind is very disconnected today, mostly because I just don't feel well. Actually I feel like a big heap of dung. I'm not sure what that feels like but it must be bad. However, I had a couple of thoughts to share.

First, Friday marks my last day in my current job. I'm so excited to see what God has for us and while it would be very easy for me to say so much more, I'm going to choose not to because I don't feel well physically. I may end up saying something very hurtful because I'm really in the mood to do so. Yeah for progress! A year or two ago I'm not sure I would have cared.

Secondly, as I'm cleaning out the stuff in my cubicle and email, I came across the quote below from sweet, encouraging Brandi. It's from a 1979 letter written by Mother Theresa:
“I pray that I would let Him (God) have a free hand in my life—and even if He chooses to cut me to pieces, that every single piece, however small, be only His.”
Brandi sent this to me at a time when I felt as if I were being torn to pieces, actually shredded to pieces is more like it. It was so encouraging because even at a time when everything seems all wrong, in reality it is a time God is using to sift me, to prove what is right and true, and to burn up all the facade. And if I choose to dedicate those pieces to only Him, the end result will be wholeness once again.

And that's all I've got for now.

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