"It's good that we have different denominations where we can be with people who believe as we do."What the heck? "NO, NO, NO!" I wanted to scream out. I don't think that was ever God's plan for his church. No, I'm not an official theologian but am confident I can read and understand God's word anyway. Simple enough for a child right? Plus I have a beef with those who are arrogant enough to say, insinuate, or believe that I can't understand the Bible without attending an institution run by humans. Not that I'm knocking higher education. I absolutely am not. But really, we don't need to spend out lives going to school and shielding ourselves from the rest of the world. What's the point of that? To debate? To be right? Whatever. Besides, this is a huge rabbit trail and I guess I have 2 burrs in my saddle.
"It's a blessing that we have so many different churches or denominations where we can choose to worship with people who like to worship as we do."
So, back to the main burr. I believe God intended for his church to be one, as He and the Father and one and that there would be complete unity (remember John 17:22?). Unity does not look like numerous denominations and even more preferences. No, according to Merriam-Webster, two of the definitions of unity are 1) the quality or state of not being multiple; 2) the quality or state of being made one. (emphasis mine)
I don't believe multiple denominations are "good" or "blessings" in God's eyes or from God. They are necessitated by humans who have the perpetual habits of combativeness and divisiveness. I encourage you to think about it but more importantly to search the scriptures for yourself and see if God's doesn't show you exactly what his church is supposed to look like. I think you'll find it most beautifully in Revelation. There is the absence of any and all denominations; there is no section in Heaven for the Baptists only, Lutherans only, etc. -- only for those who believe in Christ as Savior. And we will worship God together. Not in man-made groups.
On a much lighter note, every time I contemplate unity, a line from one of my all time favorite movies pops into my head. It's from Major Payne and goes like this:
"Unity, turds. It's the key word in unit--without the y."
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