Friday, January 4, 2008

I Just Want To Cry

Do you ever have those moments when you just want to sit down and cry? I'm having one of those moments, even as I type.

I went home for lunch and since the mail had already arrived, I perused through it. There was something in the mail that has seriously ruined my day. I stared in disbelief as I read it and then promptly wanted to sit down and cry. The thing is, there is nothing more I can do about it. Absolutely nothing. It will either be rectified or it won't and all I can do is wait. Those who should be working on it are on top of it and it is completely and utterly out of my control. Maybe that's what bothers me most.

We ended up going to Quizno's for a sandwich and as we drove I was sick to my stomach. I had worked myself up into such a frenzy that it truly hurt. As we sat at a red light, I had a moment where I could almost audibly hear God ask me "are you going to let me work this out for you or are you going to try to do it yourself?" And right there I knew that God has to work it out -- for this to turn out differently than I think, it will require a work of God and nothing less. It was one of those a-ha moments and seriously I felt better almost immediately.

I still want to cry but for reasons other than just this -- to me it represents a huge kink in an otherwise perfect plan I had going. But God can work that out too.

Thanks for reading....

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