Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I kept the following verse because it was my verse of the day when my dad died; April 13, 2006. I don't generally use this translation but it was on a calendar from a friend in this version. Interestingly enough, I used this very verse a couple of years ago in a talk I did.
Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God. 1 Peter 3:4 (TLB)
Not much is beautiful about me these days -- inside or out but I'm mostly referring to inside. I can say all the right answers and do all the right things but that simply makes me a phony. A fake. Sure, I believe them too but my beliefs certainly don't permeate my thoughts much these days. I'm too busy and in going through all the motions, I find I've lost my passion for some things and my desire for others.

Ever been in one of those really dark places? A place you know you shouldn't be but you don't have the strength to get out? A place where you just think it's easier to run with abandon than to see it through? Me too.

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