In Steve's new role as Small Groups Pastor, one of our duties is to train leaders how a small group should look, feel, and how they fit into our church strategy. The word "duties" is probably not a great choice of wording because it's not a duty in the typical sense. It's a privilege and honor to be part of these groups termed "turbo". This is our second one and because we're selecting people who are leaders, they are also spiritually mature so the feel of the group is far different than many small groups. It is time-defined, specific in purpose and because of that is also closed. The groups these leaders start will not be closed.
Because these groups have a spiritually mature atmosphere, they gel quickly and prayer has consistently been one of the most important values. And so last night during prayer time Steve had us tell the group one personal prayer request and we prayed for the person across from us. I've been in countless prayer times before and I never really thought about how humbling it is -- until last night.
After we prayed, Steve commented on how humbling and surreal it is to hear somebody audibly pray for your very personal request. Frequently we pray for others but we don't necessarily know a specific concern. In a way it's weird to hear someone utter your name while you're right there but they aren't talking to you at all (this has happened to me frequently in the last month as my doctor talked to Steve about my lip, surgery, recovery, etc. while I sat there seemingly invisible to either of them).
It's not only humbling to be prayed for but also humbling to realize we are making our requests known to the God of the universe. Not that he doesn't know them already but that's a thought for a different time.
And so I am humbled -- at the ability to pray, at the love and concern of a new group, and at the idea that God desires to answer those prayers. It's all good stuff.
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