Monday, July 30, 2007

Growing Up

Saturday was a strange day of mixed emotions for me. I was able to look through Erica's senior pictures and choose which ones I wanted. I was so close to tears as I saw picture after picture and realized both how beautiful she is and how very grown up she has become. It seems like it happened overnight. A couple weeks ago as we searched for jeans to buy, I was overcome at the thought that it was just minutes ago I was buying her frilly dresses in the baby section.

Those pictures were a glaring reality that it was not just minutes ago, that she is almost 18, and she is becoming more my equal than my "little niece". While this is such an exciting time and I wouldn't change it for anything, a part of me can't help but wish she were still the crazy-haired little girl that held my hand as we crossed the street and fell asleep in my lap.

I was also longing for my dad to be here. I can see him bursting with pride looking at those pictures. This definitely would've been his time and seeing his grandchildren graduate was at the top of his list of important things. It's during these moments that I wonder why it was God's plan to take him when he did. It's a question I will never know the answer to but I visit it anyway. I know, I know, I'm a glutton for punishment.

Finally, I had a brief (seriously, it was brief!) moment of fear and an innate desire to protect her, follow her everywhere, and make sure the young men KEEP THEIR DISTANCE! Steve and I have long teased her, lovingly of course, telling her to make sure the guys she dates know that Steve is a sniper and they will never, ever know where he might be:) Right on the heels of the fear came the truth that God loves her far more than I do and he can protect her far better than I can. She has to grow up, pursue her hopes and dreams, and live her life just as the rest of us have done. I'm comforted to know that the bond we've spent years making will endure and long after this season passes we will still be aunt and niece but better than that, we will be friends.

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