Monday, December 1, 2008

Melting Down

Yesterday I officially began melting down. In the last month, maybe 6 weeks, 4 different people have piled / unloaded so much on me and I officially can take no more. I'm at the end of it. I'm tired. I have never in my life felt like such a failure. To these individuals, I have apparently not met a single expectation nor will I have the ability to do so.

Other huge issues are brewing and too much to withstand. I'm taking a break. Wish it were on the beaches of Maui but instead, it'll be on the carpet of my house.

Hopefully after a few days I will be able to think straight again. Maybe I will be un-melted. Or maybe I'll be in the funny farm. I guess either way I win.

Until then, I will be post-less.

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