Pastor Paul really hit the nail on the head with his sermon this past week (12/21/08). The problem is that I'm not remembering where the real joy of Christmas lies. I know it, but there is a world of difference between knowing something and really, truly believing it.
He began with a few thought provoking comments: if the joy of Christmas is in receiving gifts, there is no joy for those who won't get a gift this year; if the joy is in giving gifts, there is no joy for those who can't give a gift this year; if the joy is in time with family, there is no joy for those who don't have family. And we could go on and on about how limiting joy is based on external factors. But it's not. It's based on Christ. Here were his points based on Galatians 3:23 - 4:7 (not your typical Christmas message passage):
1) The Joy of Christmas begins with understanding that without Christ, we are prisoners to our sin and its consequences.With all this, I am mystified that I sit here with no excitement or joy about Christmas. It shouldn't be so.
2) The Joy of Christmas grows in the realization that in Christ, we have been set free from the law we couldn’t keep.
3) The Joy of Christmas comes when we realize that God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts to insure that we do not again fall back into sin’s captivity.
4) The Joy of Christmas culminates in the knowledge that not only have we been pardoned, but we are adopted into a royal family.
It WAS a great sermon! For those who didn't hear it, it would be worth listening to online. The points give you the basic outline, but he had great information under each point too. :)
Off the subject... but how's your poor little puppy butt doing? I feel so sorry for him! SAD!
You are right Lindsay - I added a link to the onlinei sermon.
Jake is doing better. He's been his feisty little self and wanting to play so those are good signs. He has a follow up visit tomorrow so maybe he'll get the cone off!
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