Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Reflections

In just a few short hours Easter 2008 will be another day in history. We had a great Easter Sunday but it wasn't so out of the ordinary compared to most Sundays. This is a good thing because it means we're consistent in how we approach church, ministry, and God's place in our lives. If it were something completely different for us, that would mean we aren't doing something least I think so.

As most churches probably experienced today, our attendance was up - both at Calvary and Emmanuel. Steve had decided to preach today and once again I was mesmerized. I am in complete awe at the growth I've seen in him and how much God has clearly blessed his obedience. He talked today about what the death and resurrection of Jesus accomplished and why we should celebrate this day. I realized yesterday his sermon had 10 points. Whoa! 10 points? Doesn't that violate all preaching regulations? So yesterday I told him they better go fast or I wasn't sticking around for all of them. Of course I was kidding. How he narrowed it down to just 10 was amazing in itself and for the record they did go fairly fast. I think his entire sermon was 35 minutes so pretty normal stuff after all.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at my mom's doing the standard family holiday thing. Pretty low key but sometimes that is best. One of my favorite parts of the day was the after lunch walk with my mom, just the two of us. We used to walk together every day but once my work at home job ended, it became impossible for me to continue to schedule that at 9 a.m. every day and I've really missed it. Not only was the exercise great but it was during those times I've learned the most about her -- what she likes, stories of growing up, and some of her hopes and dreams. What a great thing to be able to have done.

I'll end today with a verse we used in an announcement slide this morning. It sums up what this day of celebration is all about. But before I do that, I will list a verse that Steve used in his sermon this morning and it is particularly fitting for me today as I've mourned my dad so much this, his birthday weekend. And this, the holiday 2 years ago that found us preparing for his funeral. Oh, what a sunrise service he must have been a part of today!

"Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, o death, is your victory? Where, o death, is your sting?.....Thanks be to God, he gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:54b-57 (NIV)

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin,so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)

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