Thursday, August 23, 2007


Steve and I left mid-afternoon yesterday and headed to the mountains for what turned out to be a mini-retreat. The purpose was a staff retreat which is an annual event lasting a week and the staff and their spouses can come and go as their schedules permit. And each staff member gets their annual review. Obviously since Steve doesn't even start for another 9 days or so, his review was minimal!

It was great to get away in the big-ness of God's creation and realize how small we really are and be overwhelmed with the reminder that even in our insignificance, God loved us and provided a way for us to spend eternity with him.

It was fun to relax and play games with those who were there at the same time as us, laugh, talk, and just enjoy the fellowship and friendship. I sat outside in the swing and for the first time in a long time I was excited to be alone -- not exactly alone but alone with God.

And here's the best part....there is a group of deer that hangs out by the cabin. The dominant doe was the only one brave enough to come up to the deck and eat right out of my hand! I tried desperately to get the twin fawns and the yearling to come up but they would have none of it and neither would the piggy-boss. And where was our camera? Right here on our kitchen counter. Oh well, it was fantastic anyway.

It was beautiful and I pray for a big blessing on the owners of the cabin. They are generous beyond belief and use it extensively for ministry. I know their stewardship will not go unrewarded!

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