Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Peter!

Today is a very special day in the life of our family. It was 10 years ago that sweet little Peter was born. He has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives that I couldn’t possibly recount all the wonderful things about my nephew. One of my favorite memories is the first time I heard him say “Nana Mo”. For a couple of years that is what he called me; “Nana” for aunt and “Mo” because I was Gizmo’s (aka Mr. MO) momma. He related to me through my dog (for a dog person this isn't so bad -- it could be way worse)!

It’s been such a treasure to be there for every birthday, every Christmas, first days of school, first words, first steps, school plays, piano recitals, and the list goes on. While these things may seem small at the time or individually, together they form bonds that will last a lifetime.

I absolutely adore Peter (just as I do Erica). They are complete opposites and yet each of them holds the same special place in my heart. Today I’m especially thankful that God has given us Peter as he means so much to me. And I’m thankful that my sister has shared her babies with all of us – we are truly raising them as a family unit. They get something from all of us and while this is completely normal to them, I recognize that this is really not how most relationships go with aunts and uncles. This gives us many reasons to be grateful.

Happy Birthday Mr. P! We love you buddy!

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