Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Migration of the Pack

We try to be diligent about "migrating our pack" every day, i.e. walking the dogs. Apparently it's not only good physical exercise but it's supposed to be good for the dog to owner relationship in determining who the pack leader is. But we do it mostly for exercise because Sam spends the day in his crate while I'm at work and Steve sleeps and then the night in his crate as I sleep and Steve works (it goes without saying Jake sleeps on the bed during these times, right?).

Anyway, the last few mornings we've done this when Steve gets home from work and I have absolutely loved this time together, walking in the cool, quiet of the morning with dogs in tow. It seems like every day we discover something new even though we generally walk the same route. It confirms a quote I read several months ago by Lucy Maud Montgomery:
"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive -- it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything."
That really provokes my thought process and I love to "discover" something that has been there all along or re-discover something with totally new eyes. It means that each day holds a treasure God intended just for me. While this is true in nature, it's also true in scripture. A passage I've read a thousand times is usually new and fresh each time and often means something totally different to me. I love that!

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