This morning before I started my quiet time I asked God to thrill me with His word. That's always a prayer He will answer, at least I believe that to be true. God wants us to be thrilled with Him, to joy with Him, and to be amazed at Him. If only we'd ask for it more frequently!
Anyway, a few months ago Steve bought an archaeological Bible and I am fascinated with past civilizations and the majesty at their pinnacle, particularly given that they had no modern tools or technology. Mostly slave labor but that's not really my point. I don't think I could have lived in those times because I like my modern conveniences and obviously God knew that to be the case. Okay, I'm digressing here. Back on track....
I started reading through it this year and am doing so slowly because I want to read all the side notes about different cities and traditions of the day. Keep in mind I asked God to thrill me. He so did. I'm in Genesis chapter 3 about the serpent and the first sin which is normally not a place I would expect to be thrilled. You know how when you are so familiar with a scripture you just breeze through it? That would have been me today had I not been so intentional in avoiding that temptation.
There was a page of information about past civilizations and how a serpent was in much of their folklore and belief system. It stated that while some cultures revered and worshiped serpents, the most prominent roles were as adversaries to humans and gods (note little "g"). One was eerily close to the scripture version. I was reminded and utterly amazed at how other scriptures just close in around this--how the need and desire for the one true God is in each of us, no matter what time we live in. And when we search for Him with all our hearts, we will find Him.
Secondly, as I was reading about these cultures and civilizations, I was overcome with awe that I was holding in my hands the very word of God, the creator, sustainer, Savior. He wants to talk to me. He wants to listen to me. He wants me to know Him. He loves me--no strings, no requirements, just as I am. Me. Messed up, sinful, sure to disappoint and fail. But more than all that a dearly loved child (Col. 3:12) and an heir (Romans 8:17 and Galatians 3:29).
Also today I'm just a thrilled daughter of the King.
what a great prayer... to be thrilled by God's word. I'm going to try it!
Hey sure and let me know how He thrills you. I can't wait to hear it!
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