Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New....Nothing

I'm always baffled when I hear lists of things people are committing to in a new year. At the top of almost every list is something about fitness, weight loss, a brand new you. Frankly, I don't get it. What is so different on January 1 than December 31? And really, just because it's a new year, does it really mean life will all of a sudden be different?

For so many years Steve worked New Year's Eve (it was a good night to be a deputy) so we rarely do anything notable on that night. This year we watched a movie and were in bed at 10:30. Seeing the clock turn to 12:01 am on that night is no more of a big deal to me than it is any other night.

But I think within all of us there is this desire to better ourselves, to be nicer, more kind, healthier. All of these things are not bad in and of themselves; however, our will power lasts about a millisecond and then we add the frustration of being failures to our list of things to change next year.

True, lasting change only occurs when there is a heart change and our pursuit is Christ himself. He can accomplish everything on our list when our hearts and minds are focused on serving and pleasing Him alone.

Here's a great story that illustrates my point. I didn't ask for permission to share it so I'll leave out the name. I doubt she'd mind either way though. I have a friend who did a Bible study on moderation with a particular focus on food. After completing it, she taught it. She's lost 50 pounds in 6 months coming in under her goal date by 5 days. She didn't join a program, she doesn't obsess about calories or journaling. The only thing that is a no for her is sugar on a regular basis. It was all about a heart change and God's place in her life and letting nothing above Him. She's not done yet and even once all the weight is gone, she knows this will be a lifelong pursuit for her.

No New Year's resolutions for her (or me). Just a continuing daily commitment to the pursuit of Christ, loving and serving others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julie - thanks for this post. I am a consistent "resolutioner" with weight lost always, always the first one. I need to re-think my list of things to do. Jill