Friday, January 16, 2009

You Know What's Missing?

A funny from Bible study last night....I had an object lesson to illustrate why it's tough being a woman. I don't want to share the entire thing because I am using it in my Sunday night class too and I don't want to divulge it so they get the same affect (assuming, of course, that one of them might read this).

Anyway, to my surprise, nobody wrote down one of the roles of women in the context of their career or job. As the last table shared their input, I said "hey, girls, you know what's missing up here?" Dumb, dumb, dumb idea! It could have been absolutely anything.

And it was. My friend who has done tons of studies with me cried out, "Concubine!" The class erupted in laughter. I did too--in hysterics actually. Sure, that could be a role I guess. After I wiped the tears from my eyes, I simply stated, "I have no idea where to go with that one."

Still don't.

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