Tuesday, October 7, 2008

God of Provision

I have the most amazing story to share. Today something happened to us that has never happened before and I am humbled, amazed, and ecstatic about what an amazing God we serve.

This summer I knew God was telling me it was time to move on and quit my job. But, given the pay cuts we've endured the last couple of years, I just didn't have it in me to take that step of faith. However, as soon as i did, the doors just opened up before me.

Because of the time frame, I ended up making only half what I needed to during the month of September to cover all our October expenses. So, we cut everywhere we could...all fun was out, savings was out, and on and on...and we were still short. And let's face it, now is not the time to sell stock to cover either. I stopped the process, and said "God, look at my computer--see how it doesn't match? Well, I need you to cover this sometime between now and the end of the month."

Then this weekend Steve and I were discussing our new capital campaign at church. We're passionate about what we're doing, we really believe God is in this, and we know we need to take part. Steve told me what we needed to give to it and I already knew he was right on because I'd been praying about it. So, as we drove home from church I said "alright, let's add this to our prayer because if God wants us to give that amount, he's going to have to provide it."

Today I brought the mail in and spotted an envelope addressed to me from somewhere I wouldn't normally expect to get anything. Inside was a letter addressed to all pastor's wives in the MT SBC telling us thanks for our dedication and sacrifice to ministry in Montana and enclosed was a check from an anonymous contributor for every single one of us.

The best part? It was for the EXACT amount we needed to cover our budget shortage and the campaign amount we knew God wanted us to give. Tears filled my eyes as I read the letter and I stared in disbelief at the check in my other hand. Never in my life have I received a random check in the mail. Yet today I did and today is when I needed it. I am humbled as I stand at the feet of my Savior, the God of so many things but today, for us, the God of provision. I am in awe.


Molly said...

Julie, what an amazing story. I know you're where God wants you, but I miss you here!

Lindsay said...

Thanks for sharing, Julie! What wonderful news!

Julie said...

Molly - welcome back! I trust married life is all you dreamed of and so much more! I do miss your doses of dry humor:)

Lindsay - I'm praying for you still and know God will give you just as obvious an answer as he did for us!