Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Glad to be Alone

I'm so glad to be alone this week. I was actually excited that Steve ended up going to Kalispell so I could have a few days alone. I realize that may sound weird to some and it's certainly not because we're unhappy or don't like each other. That simply isn't the case. We spent the first 19 years of our marriage making it work really well in spite of long separations, opposite work schedules, and the relative uncertainty of tomorrow between the military and law enforcement. So to say the last year has been an adjustment is an understatement!

We seem to be a couple of extremes--a year apart was a bit too much but a couple days a year doesn't seem to be enough. The only thing that could have made this week better is if I could have spent the majority of it in my pajamas watching movies. I feel the need to veg out and escape (yes, at the same time).

I had big plans this week but sadly they aren't working out as I had hoped. I think I want another week. But I don't want to take care of the dogs. They're bugging me. A lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a change from a few years ago when you traveled so much and wanted to have more time at home! Be careful what you ask for is what comes to mind.....
