Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some Deep Questions On a Sunday

So, here's an interesting question to ponder. It came up today while we were processing church deposits.

I casually asked my fellow counting girls, "how many people do you think would continue to give to churches and charities if there were no tax breaks for it?" We briefly talked about how it soon be apparent who gives for the right reasons.

Then Lindsay wondered aloud how many people would attend church if it were illegal.

I've been thinking about those questions since this afternoon. It's easy to immediately exclaim, "oh, I would. I know it. No doubt." I'm 100% confident in the first scenario. I don't give because of a tax break. But the second one is bothering me a bit. While I sincerely hope I would be bold and not intimated by such tactics, I really wonder, "what if I had to go to jail in order to go to church? What if I'd get home, cars, or family taken away as a result?"

Prior to all that, while we drove home from church, Steve and I talked about true heroes of the faith. And while many parts of the world suffer as much as the early church did, we have to admit that most of us as Christians are fairly soft. If we were to be flogged or whipped for the cause of Christ, would we still be followers? What is the outer limit of our devotion? After listening to complaints about anything and everything outside of personal preferences, I think most people would be "closet Christians" if faced with anything truly and physically painful. It's too hot or too cold, the seating uncomfortable, the music not what we like, the sermon is too long, too short, and the list is endless.

Any thoughts? I would so love to hear them, even if you'd rather not comment here. You can email me.


Lindsay said...

I totally agree with you, Julie. The money I can give, but my life? I don't know. And that is precisely what Christ asks from us. In fact, our lives should be dead already (as believers). Makes me sick sometimes! I'm reading "The Heavenly Man" by Brother Yun right now, and all I can say is that Chinese Christians astound me! Brother Yun fasted for months just to see a Bible (because he had only heard of it), yet my Bible sits collecting dust.

If you want to be blown away, check out my friend Eric's website: His most recent post is a video clip from David Wilkerson (who wrote "The Cross and the Switchblade," also an amazing book). It's called "A Call to Anguish". Actually, any of the video clips on his website take my breath away! Watch "Run" by Carter Conlon sometime. It was preached the Sunday after 9/11, and it strikes right to your gut.

We have such comfortable Christian lives. Can you imagine what would happen in this world if Christians really, truly lived out the gospel? A few do, but most (including myself) do not.

Julie said...

Lindsay - thanks for the recommendations. I just looked at them and I am shaken to the core. I absolutely have to post a link.

Thank you for taking me one step further in my processing.