Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Content in My Home

This past weekend Steve and I went to the Spring Parade of Homes. Supposedly the homes featured in the spring are the affordable ones. The ones in the fall are outrageously expensive. Anyway, I had not gone for the past several years because I always came home extremely discontent, always wanting what I didn't have and couldn't afford. This was particularly true of the fall version where the prices start at $500k. I finally decided that paying $8-$10 to be dissatisfied was ridiculous.

This time, though, I felt perfectly content coming home. We need to paint this year so I was looking for the latest and greatest painting ideas. I came away with lots of possibilities. As well as a few decorating ideas.

One of the homes we liked best was actually quite small by modern standards. It reminded us a bit of our last home but far more energy efficient:) It was completely adorable and if I remember correctly, there wasn't more than 1000 square feet on the main floor. The builders are creating this particular neighborhood to be just that - a neighborhood rather than a subdivision. We talked to one of them for a while and we walked away honestly considering a move. But in the end, we have much more house for our dollar with ample parking for our frequent get-togethers and of course very important to Steve is his 3-car garage. That house only had 2--and no driveway. We've long believed God had this house in this neighborhood just for us. It was just being finished and was at a price that should not have been in the subdivision. Other houses sold that year and the next for as much as $50,000 more.

All this to say that God and I have really been working on contentment and this weekend was evidence that great strides are being made. That in and of itself is a miracle!


Sharon said...

Good news, Julie! I know I have to rethink what a blessing my small home is about once a year ;) Usually, my discontent is on the lack of space -- however, the Lord reminds me that more space equals more to clean, and I realize I barely do the minimum on what I have now. Then, he does a work on my heart regarding my lack of organization and effort in tackling "projects" that, once completed, would provide more open space....blessings on your weekend,

Julie said...

Sharon - you hit on one of the reasons I haven't been too quick to finish our basement. Theh first is for financial reasons but every time we have a bit of money, I always opt to do something else with it because I know it will double my square footage and the cleaning will double too.

Plus, whatever I have is more than 90% of the world so I seriously have been blessed beyond belief!

Oh, and as a side note, I am SUCH an organization freak. I love it when everything is neat and in it's proper place. I think Heaven will be full of organization:) HA!