Are there words that just seem funny to your ears? Apparently I speak quite a few words and phrases that sound funny to others. For example, I've been told "ding dong" is a hilarious thing to call someone. I do it a lot. It's better than other things I could say.
It's also been brought to my attention that "jockey box" is a very strange Montana thing. For those not familiar with jockey box lingo, it's the small box in the car on the passenger side. Most people call it a glove compartment. We had this conversation with some friends a few weeks ago because while she is from here originally, he is not. You know what she calls it. He asked what I called "that box in the front of the car." When I told him he erupted in laughter, telling us there has never been, nor will there ever be a jockey in that box. I think I may plant a pair of men's underwear in the jockey box of his truck to prove him wrong. It'll be worth the $6.
We were talking about this the other day and I shared something I'd never told to anyone outside my home. When I go to the spice cabinet to get what I need for any particular recipe, I always end up moving them around to find what I'm looking for. Every time I see the spice jar marked "dill weed" I fall into a fit of laughter. It's more than I can bear.
I find something incredibly hysterical about "dill weed". I don't know why. Does anyone else think that's funny?
What others have you got?
hahahahaha, Jon makes sooo much fun of me for saying jockey box!!!! He's like, um, do you stick guys underware in there or something, haha. I had to laugh at your entry on that!!! I think it's a perfectly normal and great word to call it tee hee
Man, that is so funny KB! It was Lindsay I was telling about the "dill weed" thing and she said "I can so totally see Kristin laughing at that. The family line is really strong."
LOL, oh that makes me chuckle some more!!!! haha
I have never ONCE heard someone call it a "jockey box," and I'm a MT girl through-and-through. Hmmmm... I think it might be a weird Kristin/Julie family thing, not a MT thing. I personally call it a "glove box." But seriously? Who stores gloves in there? I mean, isn't it for your registration, proof of insurance, some old cds, and your dill"weed" (wink). Ha ha! Please don't send your cop friends after me. ;) I don't have anything illegal on me. Promise!
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