The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised. ~ Job 1:21b
This was a memory verse for me earlier this year and I chose it because it reminds me that everything I have is from God and if he chooses to take it away, my response should still be praise.
I'm using it in a presentation I'm giving tomorrow at a ladies' event in Absarokee. Their theme is "mystery" and in trying to keep with their theme, I have decided (actually been lead) to talk about how God himself is a mystery, life is a mystery, and what our response should be when it seems as if God is far away or not engaged. Basically I'm answering the question, "What do you do when it all seems like too much? When you seemingly can't go on?"
I hope to serve them well and on some level, bless them even a little bit. I may recognize a face or two in the crowd but don't really know any of these women and have never even met their women's ministry leader. We talked for quite some time on the phone (you know, that Spirit connection) but I've never seen her face. All that makes me a bit nervous!
The biggest mystery of all is why I'd be asked to be the speaker. That, I truly don't get--aside from God of course.
When we don't understand why God has given us something or taken away something, then it really comes down to faith. Faith that God is good, and that all He does is good (even when our human minds can't comprehend good in the siutation). This is how I like to word it (thanks to Beth Moore): Do I believe God? Or do I just believe in God?
Lindsay - that study totally revolutionized how I approach what I believe! I discovered many things I believed, while not immoral or unethical, simply were not out of scripture.
Such a seemingly insignificant word (in) makes a huge difference in how we display our faith.
You are THE BEST! I so appreciate you:)
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