Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What a Thought

I had the strangest revelation as I did my Bible study lessons this week.

God is proud of me.

Take that in for a minute. God is proud of me. Even when I'm not perfect or successful but I've tried my best, my heart is right, and I've been obedient.

I was so overwhelmed at that because I've always known my dad was proud of me, not only because he told me so but also because his actions matched his words. When I got all A's on my report card he was proud. But when I tried so hard in life science and got that only-ever "C" he was equally proud because I gave it my all. I was devastated but knowing he was proud of me helped tremendously.

Being proud is such a fatherly-type of thing--at least in my mind. I've missed my dad so terribly the last few days so as I encountered that particular section in my study, I wept until I could no longer read the words on the page.

God, proud of me? Proud of you? Absolutely! And why not? If we're made in his image and we have that ability, would it not come from the source?

Savor that thought. Soak it in.

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