Actually this also reminds me of Jake & Sam only the "yeller" would need to be much smaller, you know, like a 10 pound Pekingese.

"Because every other need humanity possessed was secondary to the need to hear and receive the gospel. Not unimportant, just secondary." (1)For some reason that just overwhelmed my heart. He kept on. No matter what, he kept on with the spreading of the gospel. Christ was always focused on the eternal. Physical healing in this life and meeting physical needs in this life are important, but not primary, not the reason we're here.
"No sin is too big that God can't forgive it, and no problem is too small that he doesn't want to hear it. Likewise, no sin is so small that we shouldn't take it to God, and no problem is so big he can't handle it."
Basically, nothing is impossible with God. And here's the weird thing -- he also said that we while we trust God with the biggest thing on earth -- saving us from eternity in hell -- we still think he isn't capable of handling all the other stuff in our lives. Pretty much exactly how I ended the last post. I'll end today using a verse from the sermon yesterday, taken from 1 Peter 5:7 (by the way, he did a thing about what "casting" means in the verse below but you'll have to listen to it as he explains it way better than me! It's the sermon from 9/16):
"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (King James Version)
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (New Int'l Version)
I look forward to my first day in Heaven, to bow before my Lord and walk the streets of gold and come upon a group of people I don't know and hear, "I want you to meet my good friend Jeffrey, he's from Texas, he talks funny!"We might not get to see him much but we love Jeff, we love what he's brought to our family, and we are grateful for the friendship he brought to dad's life.